Saturday, June 1, 2019

About a failed relationship…

About a failed relationship
I reluctantly asked ‘Did you leave her or she left you?’
After a long pause, he said ‘Love left us’.
I wish they remembered their love and marriage vows, sorted out their problems and misunderstandings and continued to be in love
But these days for various reasons, for some couples love and marriage are not for life.
In such situations; as in the past, the wisdom of their elders and well-wishers to counsel and unite them should have prevailed upon them.
This may not happen because some couples have no respect for the elders or their advice. And some elders are not capable of grooming their children for a happy married life and are not capable of counselling them at times of conflict.
Pity such couples.
The modern world is bad in many ways and it is getting worse.

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