Saturday, June 8, 2019

Mrigashira Karthe Specials!

Today, the 8th of June is Mrigashira Karthe. According to the Telugu almanac, our rainy season commences every year from the day of Mrigashira Karthe. And true to this belief, it rained heavily from midnight to early morning hours today in our City - the Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.
And according to a very old tradition, we eat fish on the day of Mrigashira Karthe. Not just we, the whole of Telangana State. With no questions asked we follow this family and local tradition. Even if someone questions, the simple answer would be “eating fish today is good for health”. The attached photographs are of the traditional Fish Curry and Fish Fry we had today. News about this Fish Festival is all over the TV Channels. Fish sales have gone up to a record high. And those who could not afford to buy fish and those who enjoy fishing have rushed to various ponds all over the State with a variety of fishing nets!
Mrigashira Karthe day is significant for one other reason. It has made Hyderabad popular all over the world for its Fish Medicine or Fish Prasadam which is administered as a cure for Asthma, free of cost on Mrigashira day. Thousands of Asthma patients are receiving Fish medicine at the Exhibition Grounds, Nampally, since today morning and this will continue until late evening tomorrow.
You may click on the following link to read all about the Asthma Fish Medicine available at Hyderabad free of cost:

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