Sunday, October 6, 2019

Bathukamma Panduga / Festival Greetings!

Today is the festival of Bathukamma. On this joyful occasion, I wish all the people ‘of and from Telangana State’, very happy celebrations.
Today is the final day of the nine-day Bathukamma festivities. It is also called as Saddhula Bathukamma festival. I am glad that the festival has regained its old importance in the last few years and has become more popular locally and in all countries of the world where there is a presence of Telangana families.
Heavy rain in Hyderabad since last few days and yesterday night, may dampen the celebrations of the festival outdoors but indoors it would still be a very grand celebration.
Here are some colourful videos and photos of our family celebrating Bathukamma Festival over the years:
A Photo-Video on Bathukamma festivities at our house over the past few years:

A Glimpse of Bathukamma Celebrations – 2010:

A Glimpse of Bathukamma Celebrations – 2014:


1 comment:

Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

I was happy to watch the video of the family’s Candlelight Dinner at Port Blair on 15th March 2025, set under the open sky and the glow of a...