Monday, October 15, 2018

The Rebellious Miniscule Minority Vs. The Traditional Majority!

The Rebellious Miniscule Minority,
Vs. The Traditional Majority!
I know who will be victorious,
And who will be vanquished!
Foreign conquerors in the past,
Have destroyed,
What we adore,
And looted our treasure,
And present-day narrow-minded,
Who know not much,
And are equally foreign,
To our culture and traditions,
Pose as great leaders,
And with certain flaws in a book,
Are causing agony to many,
As a matter of fact to millions.
The next few days,
Maybe a few weeks,
Will see this turmoil,
In full swing.
These rebellious leaders,
From areas distant,
And foreign to local traditions,
May prove a point,
Which would not be followed,
By anyone after them,
That they would realize.
And remain vanquished,
Hopefully forever,
And let the majority live in peace.

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