Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Telangana to be 29th State!

Please click on the following link to bring out an animated view of the above picture and listen to a wonderful song on Telangana:

Finally and most vehemently the UPA – United Progressive Alliance and the CWC – Congress Working Committee passed unanimous resolutions yesterday evening to form a separate State of Telangana, consisting of its 10 districts with Hyderabad as its capital, just as we the people of Telangana have desired, demanded and agitated for since decades. It is said that the State of Telangana would be a reality within 4 to 5 months, after following the entire constitutional modalities.

I am extremely happy and so are all people of Telangana who are aware of the injustices and insults we have suffered ever since the merger of our province with Andhra in 1956, against the recommendations of First SRC – States Reorganisation Commission more popularly known as Fazal Ali Commission and against the will of the local politicians and people. Learned Judge, Sir (Knighted) Padma Vibushan Sayyid  Fazal Ali was right and the wicked politicians of that time were wrong, and as expected by the learned Judge Telangana has suffered in every aspect by the merger.

Unfortunately and sadly this mistake has taken so many decades of struggle and sacrifices to correct and realise back our Statehood which we lost on 1st November 1956.

God bless Telangana and the people of Telangana to live in good health, peace and prosperity.

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