Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It is Jackfruit season in Hyderabad!

It is Jackfruit season in Hyderabad! Nowadays Jackfruit is available in plenty at Hyderabad.
As the Mango season is coming to an end; one can see a number of fruit vendors switching over and selling Jackfruit and Jackfruit pods/bulbs all over the city. Of course it is common for Jackfruit to arrive here towards end of summer.
I am prompted to post this photo article due to a facebook status update by a young friend of ours and my wife’s comment on it today; and most importantly because we like Jackfruit. The facebook status and comment in praise of Jackfruit is interesting and self explanatory in its praise. I have reproduced the facebook page at the bottom of this article for you to see and appreciate. 

1 comment:

  1. Jackfruit is exotic, delicious, edible in many ways; and all things good as shown in the above blogpost (fb clipping). But it is most cumbersome to open as it is full of extremely sticky juice that may get on to you and the surroundings in spite of taking precautions. So nowadays we just buy fresh Jackfruit pods removed in front of us by the vendors and the refrigerated minced pulp for cutlets and curries from super bazaars.
    - Mrs. N. Lalitha Raghu.


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