Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Come on dance and celebrate!

Come on dance and celebrate!
Welcome aloud Telangana State!
The struggle of decades has succeeded,
The failed fateful merger has ended!
Our future is going to be right and bright!
The feeling is nice and great!
Those who made it possible must be thanked!
Of us; the future generations will be proud,
Come on dance and celebrate!

Telangana to be 29th State!

Please click on the following link to bring out an animated view of the above picture and listen to a wonderful song on Telangana:

Finally and most vehemently the UPA – United Progressive Alliance and the CWC – Congress Working Committee passed unanimous resolutions yesterday evening to form a separate State of Telangana, consisting of its 10 districts with Hyderabad as its capital, just as we the people of Telangana have desired, demanded and agitated for since decades. It is said that the State of Telangana would be a reality within 4 to 5 months, after following the entire constitutional modalities.

I am extremely happy and so are all people of Telangana who are aware of the injustices and insults we have suffered ever since the merger of our province with Andhra in 1956, against the recommendations of First SRC – States Reorganisation Commission more popularly known as Fazal Ali Commission and against the will of the local politicians and people. Learned Judge, Sir (Knighted) Padma Vibushan Sayyid  Fazal Ali was right and the wicked politicians of that time were wrong, and as expected by the learned Judge Telangana has suffered in every aspect by the merger.

Unfortunately and sadly this mistake has taken so many decades of struggle and sacrifices to correct and realise back our Statehood which we lost on 1st November 1956.

God bless Telangana and the people of Telangana to live in good health, peace and prosperity.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


As we are all feeling happy, once again the melodrama of the villains, the thugs, the plunderers, the spoilsports, the dictators and now the mutineers has unfolded.

I sincerely hope and pray the end will be in our favour.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sudhiksha baby, Enjoying walking!

Sudhiksha baby,
Enjoying walking!
At a lovely nursery,
As we stand by admiring!
- Mrs. N. Lalitha Raghu.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Mother with sons and grandsons.

Mother, two sons and four grandsons,
You know them all!
Specially the grandsons!
Grownup now; but here they are small,
I am sure you recognize them all!
As you are their facebook pal.

- Mrs. N. Lalitha Raghu.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

An interesting obituary from some very dark days.

An interesting obituary I remember from some very dark days. If you deduce the year of its publication you would realize that all the names in it are very close to you. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013







(After 163 years of excellent service, the Telegram service is being withdrawn at 9 PM today)
These photographs are of Sudhiksha at the Central Telegraph Office, Secunderabad, on the last day of the functioning of the Telegrams counter here, and of course all over the country. You can see her handing over a Telegram form of Lalli Naani, for a Telegram to be sent to Raghu Thaatha as a souvenir.  I shall attach a photocopy of that Telegram as soon as it is received sometime today. 
Telegram sent to me by my wife as a Souvenir on 14th July, the last working day of 163 Years Old Telegraph Services in India:

Friday, July 12, 2013

They are not leaders; they are charlatans, bandits and morons.

Yet another excuse today, yet another postponement, yet another undefined delay, these people don’t deserve to be called leaders, they are charlatans, bandits and  morons, concentrating just on fooling people with gimmicks, freebies, money and liquor to come to power and ensure their personal happiness and prosperity by all possible dubious means. It is because of such crooks, that even after 65 years of Independence our masses live in poverty and hundreds die of hunger or by committing suicide out of frustration and everyday thousands of people are running away from our country seeking livelihood in foreign countries, what a shameful situation. I fail to understand why our people elect such incompetent rogues to power.   
My frustration with such hopeless leadership increases with every misdeed and failure of theirs. I do not know when and how our country will ever have good leaders and the injustices we have been facing will come to an end. Until such time our country will not prosper and be like so many well to do happy nations.
Misrule, deceit, corruption etc. by the rulers of any country, annoys all concerned and specially the educated people. Their anger, helplessness and frustration give rise to strong reaction in various forms, for instance; harsh open criticism and such emotional songs:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dreamlike picture!

On a breezy morning,
Amidst plants and flowers,
As the Sun was rising,
The feeling was joyous!
Happily as we strolled,
Pictures were clicked,
And this dreamlike imprint,
At our house stands out,
Because in it,
Elation, scene and breeze are caught!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It is Jackfruit season in Hyderabad!

It is Jackfruit season in Hyderabad! Nowadays Jackfruit is available in plenty at Hyderabad.
As the Mango season is coming to an end; one can see a number of fruit vendors switching over and selling Jackfruit and Jackfruit pods/bulbs all over the city. Of course it is common for Jackfruit to arrive here towards end of summer.
I am prompted to post this photo article due to a facebook status update by a young friend of ours and my wife’s comment on it today; and most importantly because we like Jackfruit. The facebook status and comment in praise of Jackfruit is interesting and self explanatory in its praise. I have reproduced the facebook page at the bottom of this article for you to see and appreciate. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

How will these politicians win elections without promising fancy freebies!

The present and a past Chief Minister known to me cannot make a single speech without promising freebies to the general public. They go on marathon padayatras criticising one another and announcing freebies obviously for popularity, votes, victory and power but not out of kindness. Freebies are helping political parties to win elections but senselessly depleting State funds and adversely affecting development. Instead of announcing freebies day in and day out how wonderful it would be if these politicians really concentrated on eradicating poverty in the last six decades of our independence, giving best of education, creating employment, creating proper health care and many more nation developing duties that remain neglected.
Yesterday brought about good news to me but it must be the saddest day to politicians who are accustomed to announcing freebies every time they open their mouths in public. Our Supreme Court observed that political parties shouldn’t promise freebies to voters and has directed the Election Commission to ensure this.
It will be very difficult for most politicians to make speeches now as they are not supposed to lure voters with Colour TVs, Cycles, Mixer/Grinders, Laptops, Gold, Mangala Sutras, Free food grains, Free Cash Transfers, Free or Subsidised this that and everything that they fancy will win elections for them.
Hope 2014 General Elections and every election thereafter will be free of such corrupt practices.   

Friday, July 5, 2013

Photos rekindle memories.

Can you guess this place?
A place you wouldn’t forget,
If you have once visited it,
Where and what is this place?
The answer is easy for some,
And difficult for many,
Hope you are from those some,
And this would recall memories many!

Monday, July 1, 2013

My “Baked Fish in Cheese Sauce” is cherished by everyone!

"In the hands of an able cook, fish can become an inexhaustible source of perpetual delight." -Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
And who is this cook in our family? Ask any family member, they would say all the ladies in the family cook any fish to perfection, in a variety of delicious ways. And sometimes I too share this honour when I prepare my much in demand and acclaimed speciality dish “Baked Fish in Cheese Sauce” (See picture). Everyone loves it.

Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

I was happy to watch the video of the family’s Candlelight Dinner at Port Blair on 15th March 2025, set under the open sky and the glow of a...