Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Our tradition of Puttentukalu / Puttu Ventrukalu Ceremony.

Our tradition of Puttentukalu Ceremony (Puttu Ventrukalu) is to carry out the first haircut/tonsure of the baby at the Temple of our family deity - Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy of Nampally Gutta, or alternatively to carry out the ceremony at home and offer the cut hair at the Temple at a convenient date. This is as per our family tradition being followed by our ancestors since generations and as per Hindu Sanskaras.

However, the other reasons given by the general public are as follows:

The scientific reason:

Vitamin D is made faster and in more quantity in the baby’s body when exposed to sunlight without clothes and hair. When a tonsured head is exposed to sunlight it absorbs the sunlight better.

The religious reason:

According to religious texts and scriptures, a soul gets a human body after experiencing 84 lakh births. And it is said every birth has its influence on human birth. The shaving off hair from a child’s head is a gesture of purification from the previous births and freedom from the past.

Other reasons:

Reason 1: The natural growth of hair on a baby’s head is uneven. Shaving off the hair from the baby’s head helps in proper and healthy growth of hair.

Reason 2: The ceremony is performed to give the kids freedom from diseases, give them strength, health and vigour.

Reason 3: Some ancient scriptures say it helps in stimulating proper growth of the brain and nerves.

Reason 4: Many people believe Puttu Ventrukalu helps get rid of past life’s negativity and brings a long life along with a good fortune.

Reason 5: It helps to keep the baby’s head cool during the hot summer, that is why many people prefer getting the ceremony done during summertime.

There are uncountable traditions and beliefs but it completely depends on what you want to believe. Follow what your heart says.


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