Saturday, October 17, 2020

A hospital recording that moved me to tears.


Here is a hospital recording that moved me to tears. It could be real or just a story, but it moved me to tears.

Here is the recorded message:

Here is the text of the message, extracted from the recording:

“God willing, this message will reach you someday soon. I have entrusted an old acquaintance of ours to deliver this to you sometime after I have left.

After so many years I have gathered the courage to thank you and wish you well because I would soon lose that chance.

It is not to disturb or agitate you but simply to let you know my feelings, as I am about to leave. It is to let you know that I have never forgotten you and that I pray for your welfare and happiness every single day.  Even at this stage, you are in my heart and thoughts.

It is over forty years since you moved away from me, to places where I should not come to see you under any circumstances. Since then, to be exact it has been 15,138 days of suffering and loneliness for me. Thoughts of vanishing from this world did crop up at times, but I desisted because great sorrow would befall on my family and your name would be drawn into this tragedy and blemish your life.

In all these years there were many opportunities when I could see you at family gatherings or meet you deliberately, but I avoided them with a heavy heart. I felt that you would not like to see me and would be embarrassed. I took precautions by tearing your photographs and letters to ensure that they do not fall into wrong hands and create problems for you.

In a very casual manner from time to time, I kept enquiring about you and your family and was always very happy to hear that you are doing extremely well. God bless your family.

I do not know how you look today or have transformed over these years. But you are in my thoughts always as I have seen you for 6 years in our younger days, that is before these 40 and odd years of separation.  I should not be saying this, but I am sure you are still as pretty and jovial as you were then. God bless you and your family with good health, happiness and prosperity.

I do not know what I am doing by forwarding this message to you is right or wrong. Do not bother about this message or the sobbing you may hear in between. Over the years, thoughts of our days together and missing you thereafter has made me a very sad and emotional person, so I cry a lot.

When you are listening to this message I would long be gone. I am recording this from a hospital lying on my deathbed. My days are numbered. I may at the most live for another 5 days. Till then I shall continue to pray for you and once I reach my destined place I wish I can continue to think of you and pray for you.

All these years,  I had a desire to see you and listen to you. I desire this even today but it is not possible anymore.

I hope I will become an angel and be with you and keep seeing you and listening to your lovely voice. I would not be disturbing you because I would be invisible.

Sorry for disturbing you with this message, but I had to do it to thank you for being my friend for 6 years and making my life worth living though it was just for 6 years.

Thank you and Goodbye.

God bless you.”


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