Saturday, October 28, 2017

Please get to see real patriots and heroes of our country!

Republic TV has come out with a very informative and interesting program; very much to my liking. It is all about our soldiers, the soldiers in our four Armed forces – Indian Army, Air Force, Navy and the Coast Guard and our other soldiers in the Central Armed Police Forces that is BSF-Border Security Force, CRPF-Central Reserve Police Force, ITBP-Indo Tibetan Border Police, NSG- National Security Guard, CISF-Central Industrial Security Force and AR-Assam Rifles. It is all about their life, training, duties, combat, rescue operations, battle experiences, their gallantry awards and everything they do for the security, peace and happiness of our country out of extreme patriotism. Love and respect for the country by our soldiers is overwhelming. Every episode has increased my admiration for our hard working and brave soldiers. I salute them very gratefully.
This program titled PATRIOT is being telecast on Saturdays and Sundays, since May this year. The anchor of this program is a brave soldier, Major Gaurav Arya and he is conducting it extremely well. You may check on the latest Republic TV schedule on Internet and watch this program, you will surely like it.
Please ensure that your children see this program, they will get to see real patriots and heroes of our country.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

I shall always stand up with respect to our National Anthem.

In the name of freedom,
Don’t stand up for the National Anthem,
Do what you like,
There are many like you,
In our great free country.
But I shall respectfully stand up,
For our National Anthem,
Everywhere and everytime.
Some politicians are saying,
And some controversial people are saying: 
Patriotism flows in the veins!
Of all Indians from birth!
They are the greatest patriots!
On earth:
What if they cannot sing the National Anthem,
What if they do not stand up when it is sung,
Or when the National flag is hoisted,
They are the greatest patriots all the time.
What if they do not participate in elections,
What if they do not respect elected governments,
What if they support politicians;
Fighting criminal cases,
What if they support dynastic rule,
And unethical mahagathbandhans,
Of political parties with different ideologies,
And once arch rivals.
What if they do not participate;
In Independence Day celebrations,
Or Republic Day celebrations.
What if they spread dirt all around them,
What if they constantly create problems for others,
What if they wear shirts with flags of other countries,
And salute such foreign flags,
What if they speak against the world’s wisest judiciary,
What if they do not rise before the Gods of justice,
What if they do not stand up,
For the National Anthem in theaters,
Heavens will not fall down,
Respect for the county or law will not be belittled,
This is their freedom of speech and life,
They are entitled to:
Speak and behave as they wish,
This is India.
Patriotism flows in their veins!
They are the greatest patriots!
On earth.
This is what; ‘What if’ supporters are saying.
I am an Indian too,
Definitely different from supporters of ‘What if” people;
Mentioned above,
I am for standing up with respect;
 To our National Anthem and Flag,
Whether in a theater or anywhere.
And I am proud that I can sing the Anthem,
And Vande Mataram too,
The way they have to be sung,
And respectfully.
God save our Country,
From these controversial people,
So called wise men,
Politicizing everything,
Some sitting on seats of authority,
Creating tamasha after tamasha,
Day after day.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Do not eat fish from lakes in and around Hyderabad.

Do not eat fish from lakes in and around Hyderabad,
The local lakes are dangerously polluted,
These toxic lakes are poisoning and killing fishes,
And no one is bothered of the health of lakes and fishes.
Fishermen are devastated,
Men and animals dependant on the lakes are unwell,
And the poisoned local fishes are sold everywhere,
Protect yourself, take care.
Continue eating fish; from elsewhere,
And only seafood from a good store.

With recent heavy rains in Hyderabad, lakes around the city have become more contaminated and dangerously poisonous. Toxic material and industrial waste has flown into these lakes from all directions of the city that is fast developing and producing harmful waste and pollution. In just the past five days, over four tons of fish have died in Edulabad lake alone.
Edulabad is a small town situated in the outskirts of Hyderabad near Ghatkesar, 26 km from our house. It is popular for the ancient 'Shri Godha (Aandal) Sametha Mannaru Ranganayaka Swamy Temple'  and the lake adjoining the town known as Edulabad lake. Lakhs of fishes weighing over four tons have died in this lake in the past few days. This has been happening on a smaller scale over the years but this year it has almost killed the entire fish population. The recent heavy rains washed into the lake extremely poisonous industrial waste, especially from pharmaceutical firms and are causing such heavy damage. This is happening to all lakes in and around the city, fishes are dying everywhere. And these live or dead fishes are found to have traces of many poisonous substances, for instance chloromethane, a solvent used in pharma industry which triggers neurological and reproductive ill-effects and other poisons which cause minor to major ailments.
The fishes of our city lakes are mostly, Catla (Botccha), Rohu, Bangaru theega, Gas cut and Mergu, avoid them until our lakes are safe for fish and us.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Aubergine, Mushroom and Cheese Diyas!?!

Happy Diwali!
Surprised with the unbelievable title? Sorry, please don’t think any further, they are not real Diyas!
Deepavali festival is happiness unlimited! The traditional Harathulu, Bommala Koluvu, Lakshmi Devi Pooja, traditional sweets and special foods, house illumination with Diyas and electric lamps, Crackers, exchange of gifts  and happy time with family and friends…makes the festival very special, every year.
Apart from the traditional festivities; it also calls for pleasant surprises; with some exotic foods, gifts and extraordinary fireworks! This Diwali, as an evening snack; I secretly prepared tiny pizzas for the family with grilled Aubergine slices as base, topped with sliced and cooked mushrooms mixed with cheese-spread, oregano and chili flakes and topped with mozzarella cheese and an almond crown that appears like a wick! 
You can see these diyas in the attached pictures and also of the tomato diyas! I made at an earlier Diwali festival.

You may see my earlier exhaustive photo-blog posts and videos on our celebration of Deepavali festival over the years; covering traditions like ‘Harathulu’, ‘Bommala Koluvu’, ‘Crackers/Fireworks’ and ‘Festive Foods’, by clicking on the links below. I hope you will find them interesting and informative:
Wish You All A Very Happy Diwali / Deepavali - 2017:
Deepavali Harathulu:
Deepavali Bommala Koluvu:
The Joy of Crackers & Sparklers:
Telangana’s quintessential sweets of Deepavali are Garijalu and Pheni:
Our Deepavali Celebration Pictures – 2014:
Deepavali Bommala Koluvu at Srilekha; over the years!
Deepavali Bommala Koluvu and Fireworks! - 2013.
Deepavali Harathulu - 2013.
Our Deepavali Festival Pictures - 2014.
A glimpse of our Diwali celebration! - 2012.
Deepavali Greetings:
Deepavali commentary and songs by our granddaughter, Sudhiksha:
You may click on the following link / URL to see a Greeting Card come to life with heavy animation of diyas, sparklers, crackers and the melodious commentary and songs by our granddaughter, Sudhiksha:
You may click on the ‘Pink Play/Pause Button’ available on the Greeting Card to listen to Sudhiksha once again.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Wish You All A Very Happy Deepavali / Diwali.

Dear All,
Wish you all a very Happy Deepavali. May the year ahead and times ahead bring you immense happiness & prosperity. Please be careful with Crackers and have a very safe Deepavali.
You may see my earlier exhaustive photo-blog posts and videos on our celebration of Deepavali festival over the years; covering traditions like ‘Harathulu’, ‘Bommala Koluvu’, ‘Crackers/Fireworks’ and ‘Festive Foods’, by clicking on the links below. I hope you will find them interesting and informative:
Deepavali Harathulu:
Deepavali Bommala Koluvu:
The Joy of Crackers & Sparklers:
Telangana’s quintessential sweets of Deepavali are Garijalu and Pheni:
Our Deepavali Celebration Pictures – 2014:
Deepavali Bommala Koluvu at Srilekha; over the years!
Deepavali Bommala Koluvu and Fireworks! - 2013.
Deepavali Harathulu - 2013.
Our Deepavali Festival Pictures - 2014.
A glimpse of our Diwali celebration! - 2012.
Deepavali Greetings:
Deepavali commentary and songs by our granddaughter, Sudhiksha:
You may click on the following link / URL to see a Greeting Card come to life with heavy animation of diyas, sparklers, crackers and the melodious commentary and songs by our granddaughter, Sudhiksha:
You may click on the ‘Pink Play/Pause Button’ available on the Greeting Card to listen to Sudhiksha once again.

N. Raghu.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Incessant rains in Hyderabad! Bring happiness and distress!

On all days,
Since 15 days!
Some are enjoying!
Some are suffering,
Due to inundations,
And traffic complications.
But Rains intent is magnanimous,
To keep our world productive and prosperous,
And ever.
Blame yourself for the suffering,
And thank God; as it is still raining.
And blame the civic administration,
And strive for permanent correction.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

It is Pumpkin season here, around the year!

It is Pumpkin season here,
Around the year!
Speaks of our fertile lands,
And our love for pumpkins,
Grown on a large scale,
In fields,
And in kitchen gardens!
And relished!
In every possible way,
By preparing curries,
Sweet or spicy,
And in everyday Sambar,
And as fried;
Crunchy Vadiyalu!
And occasionally,
In trying out exotic preparations,
Like pumpkin soups,
And pumpkin pies!
As you see in these pictures,
And they are popularly used,
By one and all in India,
Especially in South India,
At religious ceremonies,
For the Gods,
The living,
And the departed!
And used,
To ward off evil,
By displaying at entrances,
Or breaking them down,
In front of our dear possessions!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Attention World! Great News! From New Delhi!

Starting from Diwali Festival Day this year, Delhi – National Capital Region is going to have the highest Oxygen level among cities in our Country (20.95%) and perhaps in the World! Now nobody will be sick here because of air pollution.

I thought firecrackers with minimum air and noise polluting content and weighing approximately 125 to 250 grams would be made available at cost to all Aadhaar Card holders or alternatively, Community Fireworks at a few places in the City would be encouraged. But surprisingly a much wiser decision has been taken to ban the sale of crackers in the NCR area. 

For those disappointed with this ban I have a suggestion, please seek permission from local authorities and enjoy Diwali by lighting a matchstick in front of your house and with it a tiny Agarbatti.

HAPPY DIWALI! To You! A pollution-free one! Happily celebrate with your family and friends, with lots of sweets, dry fruits and nuts, but no crackers.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Cell phone related deaths are on the rise: Be cautious and alert to risks and dangers linked to Cell phones.

In the past few years I have written articles cautioning people about the dangers linked to careless use of Cell phones. I wrote about the rules and laws prohibiting use of Cell phones while driving and related dangers. Cell phone User Manuals caution people from using the instruments not only while driving but even while walking on roads and at risky places, but unfortunately many people do not follow these instructions.
Not just me but many others write to caution people, especially after Cell phone related accidents and deaths.  In spite of the laws and regular news of tragedies, many people continue to ignore safety and cause harm to themselves, their families and others.
Nowadays Cell phones have become more dangerous with the ‘Selfie’ feature and are adding to the death toll. The latest news is that India suffered the highest number of Selfie-related deaths.  According to these reports, 60 percent of all Selfie-deaths, where a person dies while trying to take a picture of self, occurred in our country.
Something which started with fun objective to derive pleasure of sorts and create a lasting memory of amusing moments of self, with people and places, is now taking away precious lives. People are dying taking Selfies in front of approaching trains, in front of wild animals, on top of high and dangerous places like cliffs and roof tops, on boats, at riverfronts and at various dangerous places and under risky situations. This Selfie obsession is spreading like an epidemic. This fad, this madness has to end. Life is precious for the individual, his family, his friends and all his loved ones; one should not risk it for a Selfie.
Please be very cautious and alert to risks and dangers linked to Cell phones. You may read my articles on misuse and dangers of Cell phones and watch some informative videos by clicking on the links below:
Beware of Cell Phone - Part I
Beware of Cell Phone - Part II
Regarding Cell Phone addiction:
Regarding Cell Phone Elbow / Cubital Tunnel Syndrome:
Regarding Cell Phone Radiation dangers:

Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Short Story in Five Sentences!


Two teenagers, the sister of the bride and the brother of the bridegroom were introduced at the pre-wedding ceremonies of their older siblings and after the wedding providence brought these two teenagers closer and as days, weeks and months passed their courtship continued unknown to the elders and the society around them, for four years!

After four years, soon after the young man completed his graduation and got employed and as the girl’s parents were seeking a marriage alliance for her, the youngsters expressed their intent to get married.

Surprised and shocked initially, the elders discussed and happily agreed to their marriage but within days they went back on their decision as some persons influenced them stating that two sisters cannot be married into the same family as it would bring bad luck to their families.

After almost two years of turmoil between these two families and anguish of the youngsters, providence prevailed and brought happiness to all of them and united the young couple in marriage.

Thereafter, touch wood…the couple is leading a blissful life spreading happiness around them with their two sons and is today going to be grandparents! 

Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

I was happy to watch the video of the family’s Candlelight Dinner at Port Blair on 15th March 2025, set under the open sky and the glow of a...