Monday, March 1, 2021

“Buddhir Balam…” A very beneficial Hanuman Shloka.


Lord Hanuman is one of the most worshipped deities among Hindus. His temples and pictures can be found in all the corners of the world where Hindus live. His blessings are so vital and also powerful that the troubles and grievous circumstances in any person's life can vanish very fast and bring him peace and prosperity.

Praying Lord Hanuman regularly helps one stay disciplined and achieve greater heights in life and career.

There are many Shlokas and invocations to pray and meditate upon Lord Hanuman to obtain his blessings. The most popular among them is Hanuman Chalisa. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa is the most popular form of worship. It is said that one who recites Hanuman Chalisa a hundred times or for hundred days is released from bondage and obtains great bliss.

However, there is one very simple Shloka, the recitation of which is equally beneficial:

Buddhir Balam Yasho Dhairyam

Nirbhayatvam Arogataam

Ajaaddyam Vaak Pattutvam Ca

Hanumat Smarannaat Bhavet ||

It means, “Wisdom (buddhi), physical strength (balam), fame (yashas), courage, valour (fearlessness), good health, vigilance, eloquence, (all these) are bestowed upon meditating on Lord Hanuman.

That is “Wisdom, physical strength, fame, courage, valour, good health, vigilance, eloquence, are bestowed upon meditating on Lord Hanuman.”

Recitation Video:


  1. Kindly mention origin of this slokam detailing, composer and context of tis sloka. I have found many posts on internet about this slokam praising sri Hanumanta. but, none mentioned details of the slokam composer.

    1. The composer is not known… I heard and believe that this Shloka is written (by someone) based on the description of Hanuman’s exemplary qualities especially while he was engaged in search of Sita Devi, in Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana.


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