Thursday, July 23, 2020

This pandemic reminds me of Mimosa Pudica…

As youngsters,

And now as adults,

We play with these plants…

Even a moment with these plants,

Brings about smiles,

And makes us wonder about nature…

We always have them in our garden,

For entertaining our children,

And our guests.

The name of the plant is Mimosa Pudica,

A creeping perennial flower plant,

Considered a weed in the wild,

But grown in home gardens,

For the wonder, it generates,

As the plant’s compound leaves,

Fold inward and drop,

When touched or shaken,

Defending themselves from harm,

And re-open a few minutes later.

Today I write about Mimosa Pudica,

Because our lives have become,

Like that of Mimosa Pudica,

The plant we know as Touch-Me-Not…

As the COVID-19 pandemic is rampant.

We are relentlessly trying,

To protect ourselves,

From Coronavirus,

We mostly remain in our houses,

Work from home,

And outdoors,

We keep away from others,

We are afraid to touch anything,

We wear masks,

Use sanitizers all the time,

As provinces and countries,

Are scared of one another,

We have ceased to go on vacations,

We doubt neighbourhood eateries,

Cinema Halls are closed,

Life seems so different,

And normalcy so distant.

The Touch-me-not plant is lucky,

It folds and shrinks to appear dead,

And in an instant; as the threat to its life…

The animal or insect moves away disillusioned,

The plant happily opens up,

Glows and dances with the breeze.

It is many months now,

Since this pandemic has crippled us…

When will we begin to live without fear,

Glow and dance like Mimosa Pudica.

VIDEO: Playing with the exotic Mimosa Pudica Plant!

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