Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Can people survive without restaurants?

Lockdown after lockdown has proved,
That people can survive without restaurants…
As all eateries and restaurants are closed,
People cooked at home a variety of food,
Regular, exotic and restaurant foods happily,
In large quantities, unlike the small restaurant portions,
To their satisfaction!
Those who could not cook learnt to cook,
Thanks to their mothers and sisters,
And of course to YouTube and cookbooks,
They all became not-so-bad to good chefs,
And the lockdown of seventy days passed quietly.
However, the restaurants could not endure,
The lockdown and the mounting overheads,
They had to pay rents, loans, wages,
Taxes and electrical charges,
The owners were in tears,
All that they could do is blame Coronavirus.
Now that the lockdown is relaxed,
And restaurants are permitted…
To operate with several safety measures,
Restaurants are anxiously waiting for customers.
Craving for restaurants is very high,
The desire is there to visit favourite restaurants,
But the fear of hygiene at these places is high,
So the multitude are sticking to healthy homely food,
Which they have accepted during the lockdown period.
Roadside and small eateries and restaurants,
Will be shunned by the majority,
5-Star restaurants shall thrive,
Due to their high standards of hygiene.
For years, every month new restaurants,
Opened all over Hyderabad,
Especially in Cyberabad,
Now one by one; many may close,
As a therapy or vaccine for Coronavirus seems distant,
And until such time customers will keep away,
And restaurant businesses shall crumble.
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused chaos,
In the lives of people and to businesses,
Fear apart it has set many trends and established,
That people can survive without restaurants,
But restaurants cannot survive without customers.

If you are craving for restaurant food,
Order only from reputed restaurants,
That can safely home deliver,
Until we have overcome this pandemic.

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