Thursday, May 14, 2020

Every picture tells a story…

Photography is the memory of our lives,
Because every picture tells a story…
Here’s one which reminds me,
Of the beautiful sky above me,
Soon after illuminated by the moon,
And the countless twinkling stars,
Of the lovely Sea and beach to my right,
And the relaxing sound of the waves…
Of the cool land breeze,
Blowing over me,
And making the palm trees,
Dance so magnificently,
And of the sumptuous dinner awaiting me,
In the lovely abode to my left,
And then back to the hammock,
Until midnight,
Gazing at the beautiful nature,
Above me and all around me,
And of the days spent here,
During day and night,
And resting…
Thank you photograph,
For bringing back lovely memories.
-N. Lalitha Raghu.

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