Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Please have mercy on us.

Please have mercy on us,
Do not spread Coronavirus,
Whoever you are,
And whatever your cruel intentions.
Why can’t you follow rules?
To counter Coronavirus,
Like the rest of us.
The majority in our country,
Are following precautions so cautiously,
 Even an illiterate is so wise,
As could be seen,
On the day of Janata curfew,
And thereafter,
Despite inconvenience.
All for the love of his life,
His family’s,
His neighbours,
And his country’s,
But what is wrong with you?
Your irresponsible demeanour,
Of breaking the law,
Is simply treacherous,
Making the pandemic spread,
Rapid and wide.
We are fellow human beings,
Have mercy on us,
For now and ever,
Do not be beasts,
Promoters of violence,
And haters of peace.
Bring an end to barbarism,
Change your barbaric mindset,
Be a rule-abiding,
Nation loving,
Human being,
Whoever you may be,
I beg of you…
Thank you!

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