Saturday, February 29, 2020

Happy Leap Day!... Here are some Leap Day Picture Postcards to amuse you!

A postcard from 1908, a Leap Year, depicts a woman attempting to catch a man with a butterfly net, symbolizing the old tradition that once every four years on Feb. 29, women would make marriage proposals:
More such picture postcards:

Today is 29th February, day 1 of a year of 366 days instead of the usual 365. So it is a special day and every special day is to celebrate and be happy.
Happy Leap Year; to one and all.
India does not have any superstitions and traditions attached to Leap Day or Leap Year. Except for the fact that a child born on 29th February is very special and is mostly introduced by the family as a ‘Leapling’. And the daily wage earners get to earn a day’s extra income in February of Leap Year and the monthly salaried have to work an extra day with no benefit. But elsewhere there are some very strong beliefs…In Finland and Ireland, women are advised to propose on Leap Year Day for good luck and a very happy married life. In Greece it is the opposite, getting married in a Leap Year is considered inauspicious. In the movie ‘Leap Year (2010)’ a lady by the name of Anna Brady plans to travel from Boston to Dublin, Ireland, to propose marriage to her boyfriend Jeremy on Leap Day as per Irish tradition and a very interesting and lovely story unfolds.  You must watch this movie. I have attached the Official Trailer of this movie to encourage you to watch it.
Now coming to the origin of this tradition, the legend is that St. Brigid of Kildare, a fifth-century Irish nun, asked St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, to grant permission for women to propose marriage after hearing complaints from single women whose suitors were too shy to propose. Initially, he granted women permission to propose only once every seven years, but at Brigid’s insistence, he acceded and allowed proposals every Leap Day. The folk tale tells that Brigid then dropped to a knee and proposed to St. Patrick that instant, but he refused, kissing her on the cheek and offering a silk gown to soften the disappointment. The Irish tradition, therefore, demands that any man refusing a woman’s Leap Day-proposal must give her a silk gown.
All this is quite interesting, but then, why all these phenomena of Leap Year. The answer is very simple. The standard calendar year is of 365 days but our planet the Earth actually takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to go completely around the Sun. This is called the Solar Year. In order to keep the calendar cycle synchronized with the seasons, one extra day is (usually) added every four years as February 29th.

Leap Year Movie Official Trailer:

My Facebook post from 2012:

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

At the World-famous Alcazar Show, Pattaya!

Alcazar is a dazzling dance show with energetic acts, bright colours and extravagant costumes. The Alcazar show though popularly known as Alcazar Cabaret Show, it is an entertaining evening for people of all ages.
The show takes you through different countries and their cultures. During the 70-minute show, you will see a good variety of acts including Korean K-Pop, Persian, Chinese, Indian, Thai and Russian.
All the performers are Ladyboys or Kathoeys wearing very colourful and extravagant costumes. They are so beautiful; it is hard to believe that they are actually Ladyboys. The attached video is ample proof of this. You will most probably agree with my point of view that most women would be jealous of these beautiful Alcazar artistes.
Alcazar Cabaret is one of Thailand’s most famous shows that has been around for several decades. During this time it has evolved into the impressive dance and music show it is today, a glitz and glamour show with beautiful stage designs, dancers wearing extravagant dresses in vibrant colours as well as a state of the art light and sound system.
The show is suitable for all ages. After the show, you can meet the performers on the parking lot and click your photo with them on payment of 100 Baht.
During the 70-minute show, you will see 17 acts that showcase culture, dance and songs of various countries around the world. The beautiful and colourful stage sets change with each act.
Alcazar Show – Full Video:
“Four legendary regions of the Siam Kingdom” is a very elegant act that shows Thai culture and beliefs. Among others, it shows ancient traditions as Loy Krathong as well as mythological creates as Kinnaree and the Naga serpent.
Another beautiful act is “Flower of China”, an act about the beauty of the women of the Tang dynasty. The music is played on traditional Chinese instruments.
Other acts include Pride of Persia, Colour of Arabia, The Wondrous World, Aqua Play, a French song called “Vive le Swing”, Dance with me, Melayu Dance, Hello Vietnam, Lola Wants Love, a Korean folk song called “Arirang Drums & Fans Dance”, a Korean pop-dance act “Oppa Is Just My Style”, One Man Woman, The World Is Not Enough, Sound of India and Fabulous Russia.
The Alcazar Theatre is located on 78/14 Pattaya 2nd road, opposite Pattaya Soi 5 in the centre of Pattaya. The theatre is located very near the Central Plaza Marina Pattaya shopping mall.
The show is performed four times daily. Show times are 5 pm, 6.30 pm, 8 pm and 9.30 pm.
When in Bangkok and especially when in Pattaya, you should not miss this show. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Valentine’s Day Celebration 2020!

Dear family and friends,
Happy Valentine’s Day!
For your amusement, here are some photographs from our Valentine’s Day Celebration this year. And attached to this article is a joyous and colourful video of our Valentine’s Day Celebrations over the past few years.  
Valentine’s Day Celebration has crept into our traditions of annual festivities around two decades ago. Sometimes it is a very grand celebration and sometimes it is a very modest one but it has become an important day for us to celebrate very happily. As the world becomes truly a Global Village with peace and prosperity all around, hope we get more and more opportunities to celebrate happy international festivals like the very popular Chinese New Year!

Friday, February 14, 2020

What is my best Valentine’s Day Memory?

What is my best Valentine’s Day Memory?
The answer is very simple. Since we started celebrating Valentine’s Day, every Valentine’s Day has been an extremely happy and memorable one for me and my family. I consider all of them to be my best!
My journal that is my blog has a record of our Valentine’s Day celebrations with countless photographs. For family and friends I am providing below blog links to some of our Valentine’s Day celebrations:
  Happy Valentine’s Day Celebration! – 2018.
Sweet Memories of Valentine’s Day(s) Celebrations!
Picking A Cake For His Valentine! - A Photo Story:
My Blog Post No.1100! - Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day Celebration! – 2016.
Happy Valentine’s Day Celebration! – 2015.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Sweet Memories of Valentine’s Day(s) Celebrations!
Valentine's Day Party! - 2013
Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day Greetings! - 2012
Valentine’s Day Celebration – 2011, a Candlelight Dinner @ Home!
Valentine’s Day celebration - photographs - 2010.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How about a Flamingo for your Valentine!

Valentine’s Day is just two days away! You must have already made up your mind and lovingly procured a nice gift for your Valentine and your loved ones.
Single-red roses are so popular for gifting; that on Valentine’s they are scarce. Then there are so many other popular alternative gifts like flower bouquets, chocolates, cakes and a variety of heart-shaped gifts or other gifts that you think are useful and lasting for your Valentine and other loved ones.
In case you haven’t decided yet, I have a unique suggestion, an Anthurium plant. Gifting houseplants to friends and relatives is gradually picking up in our country these days and I feel that Anthurium plant will stand out as an outstanding gift for Valentine’s Day. It is a gift that keeps on giving beautiful red heart-shaped flower popularly known as Flamingo flower, Tailflower, Painter’s palette, Laceleaf, Oilcloth flower, Painted tongue, Pigtail flower, Boy flower and so on…
Anthurium signifies long-lasting love and friendship. It brings luck in your relationships. It is one of the best houseplants to have in your home because it tops NASA's air purifying plant's list. Anthurium adds a dash of luxury to your house. Combined with the glossy high quality coloured pots; it truly creates an amazing environment in your house. Anthurium’s bright blooms and shiny deep green leaves bring colour and life to even cramped rooms. Exotic and compelling, with bold, typically red flowers and shiny dark green foliage, Anthurium, like the hospitality they represent, are long-lasting and irresistibly beautiful. Anthurium plants are relatively easy to grow, have attractive foliage and under the proper environment, produce long-lasting flowers year-round. Even the Vase-life of a Flamingo flower is astonishingly 6 weeks!
Anthuriums make lovely gifts because of their exotic-looking blooms, but they are not just pretty! The red, heart-shaped flower of Anthuriums brings joy and happiness wherever they go.  According to Feng Shui, Anthuriums are lucky plants and bring good luck in your relationships. Anthurium’s red heart-shaped flower is not random, in fact, it is associated with the highest feelings of love and friendship and this is the most gifted flower/plant on Valentine’s Day.
According to legend, in fact, in ancient Greece, the flowers of Anthurium were Cupid’s arrows, arrows of the God of love, who could make people fall in love. Gifting an Anthurium in-person shows the sincere, pure, strong feelings of friendship towards the recipient.
Potted Anthuriums are available online, for even same-day delivery in Hyderabad.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

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