Monday, September 17, 2018

Today is the festival of Vishwakarma Jayanti.

Today, 17th September is the festival of Vishwakarma Jayanti, the birthday of Lord Vishwakarma the divine architect. Today is also known as Vishwakarma Day and Vishwakarma Puja Day – meaning worship day and greetings are exchanged.  
Vishwakarma means ‘all creating’ in Sanskrit…he is the creative power that holds the universe together according to Rig Veda and he is considered to be the original creator, architect and divine engineer of the universe from before the advent of time.  Since Vishwakarma is the divine engineer of the world, as a mark of reverence, he is not only worshiped by the engineering and architectural community but also by all professionals. It is customary for craftsmen to worship their tools in his name. The festival is celebrated on a very grand scale by most Government and Private Industrial workers and the entire engineering and architectural community, artisans, craftsmen, technicians, mechanics, goldsmiths, blacksmiths, carpenters, and sculptors. The festival is celebrated on a very large scale in some States and in the Indian Railways and most Public sector undertakings where it is a holiday for the Puja. Devotees pray for a better future, safe working conditions and, above all, success in their respective fields. Workers also pray for the smooth functioning of various machines. It is customary for craftsmen to worship their tools in his name, refraining from using the tools while doing so. Modern electronic equipment like computers and servers are also worshipped for their smooth functioning.
Lord Vishwakarma is mentioned in many scriptures and he is described as having four hands, wearing a crown, loads of gold jewelry, and holding a water-pot, a book, a noose and craftsmen's tools in his hands. The Mahabharata describes him as "The Lord of the arts, executor of a thousand handicrafts, carpenter of the Gods, the most eminent of artisans, the fashioner of all ornaments... and a great and immortal God."
He is widely mentioned as the creator of many architectural and engineering wonders. Hindu mythology is full of Vishwakarma's many architectural wonders. Through the four yugas, he had built several towns and palaces for the gods and kings and weapons and chariots for them.
Vishwakarma Jayanti is celebrated every year on 17th September. Here in Hyderabad, it is celebrated on a very grand scale at the Hyderabad exhibition grounds, Nampally.

1 comment:

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