Monday, September 10, 2018

Fondue, I’m so fond of you…

Fondue, I’m so fond of you! I’m looking forward to another Fondue party at the earliest, maybe next Sunday, why not tomorrow?
No, not tomorrow, I will have to wait and my family has to wait because I’m our family’s Fondue Chef and I am presently busy. My Fondue party requires elaborate planning and effort, all this for the love of Cheese and the accompanying food and love for this exotic cuisine. All that I say, can be visualized in the attached pictures of our last Fondue party…the spread, love for Fondue and love for the family.
This situation of ‘Fondue party, at home only’ arises because I have not come across or heard of any restaurant in Hyderabad that serves Fondue. Had this National Swiss dish available at least at one restaurant in Hyderabad we would get more opportunities to relish the Fondue spread. Hope this cuisine will arrive in our city soon and until then it is Fondue at home.
People of Hyderabad are aware of the Chocolate Fondue which is available everywhere, even in fairs and at roadside outlets. Originally a Canadian invention of a chocolate fountain appliance and called a Fondue because a variety of fruits, cookies, and bread are dipped in the chocolate and eaten. This is for dessert and needs very little effort in creating the fondue. Any chocolate, milk or white chocolate slabs are placed in this electrically operated equipment, the chocolate melts and rises up as a fountain into which bread, cookies or fruits are dipped for a coating of chocolate and consumed. So simple, it is a tamasha for children. I have no interest in this tamasha as there is an infinite choice for delicious desserts everywhere.
This article with pictures is about my craving for the traditional Swiss dish of melted cheese served in a communal pot over a portable stove heated with a candle or a spirit lamp and eaten by dipping bread and a variety of food into the cheese using long-stemmed forks. And the cheese concoctions are many and the foods that go with it are many more.
It is truly an exotic dish for the family to relish and enjoy together.
Hope our next Fondue party will be at the earliest.

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