Monday, August 21, 2017

The Hidden Castle! Is most enjoyable!

We enjoyed yesterday, 20th August 2017, a daylong stay at the Hidden Castle! Every moment was joyous for our group of twenty, right from the time our journey started! The Castle and the vast greenery all around us and even under our feet was a feast to our senses.

There was plenty of entertainment available and enjoyed by us at the Castle - adventurous, playful and magical, and then there was also enjoyment from games and entertainment pre-planned by us. Every single moment was fun. With so much activity we naturally craved food and it was available there in plenty and to our entire satisfaction.

As a bonus, the weather was most pleasant for an outing with a cool breeze throughout the day. Though monsoon season is in full swing in this area for the past few days, it has not played spoilsport with us today.

Thanks to my brother-in-law, Sri. K. Niranjan who sponsored this wonderful trip.

Here are some photographs and three videos to give you a glimpse of our memorable expedition to the Hidden Castle and this post is also for recording it in my journal – my blog!


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  2. Nice photos and write up. I think you must have had lot of fun :)


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