Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Witness to plant life that is ever resurrecting and proliferating!

Come rainy season I witness plant life resurrecting and proliferating in our small garden. Truly rain brings even dead land back to life. Only those who have a personal garden can witness this wonder, in our Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. There is no greenery along most roads and colonies of our City and even grass and shrubs that come out everywhere after the rains are not easily visible here. To see these wonders one has to move out of the city or visit Parks in the city.
Coming back to our garden and the topic, I wish to tell you about the Curry Leaf tree in our house. It is quite old and huge and has the most fragrant and delicious Curry Leaves. As you may be aware this is the most common and everyday essential ingredient of our cuisine. In this season the tree bears fruits and on ripening they drop down and soon plantlets crop up from them in large numbers. Miraculously plants also crop up from some crevices along walls and from places from where I may have uprooted them before. The topmost photograph shows one favorite location for the Curry Leaf plant to crop up. It is from a crevice on the outer side of our garden’s small brick border, right in front of the milestone with the name of our house on it. I do not remember how many times I have plucked out such growth, but every season it comes up again. There may be a scientific explanation for this but to me all this seems like a miracle, miracle of resurrection!
Rain not only brings dead land to life, it provides water to us, the plants, the trees, every animal and every life and it helps me in distributing Curry Leaf plants to friends and strangers!

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