Monday, December 21, 2015

Love decorating Christmas tree.

Christmas celebrations commence with putting up a Christmas tree and decorating it few days before Christmas Eve. It is done with lot of enthusiasm and happiness with our whole family participating in the activity, setting up the plant, unpacking the decorations and lighting and then decorating the plant…this includes the ones who have to do all the cleaning around the tree afterwards. Here you can see my wife and granddaughter happily engaged in the activity of beautifully decorating our Christmas tree. For many years it was real Christmas plants at our house that were decorated but now it is with a collapsible artificial Christmas Pine Tree from Taiwan.
Actually another Christmas related activity starts about a month before at our house and that is my responsibility of soaking dry fruits and nuts in Rum for Christmas cake and topping this mixture from time to time with more Rum as the dry fruits and nuts have a great appetite for Rum! 


Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

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