Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hearty Greetings! On the happy occasion of Makara Sankranti, Pongal, Lohiri and Bihu!

May this Festival, being celebrated all over the country today and tomorrow under different names, Sankranti, Makara Sankranti, Pongal, Lohiri, Uttarayan and Bihu; bring Prosperity, Happiness and Joy for all of you and your families. 

(Sankranti Greetings & Traditions - A Video) 
I have written few articles on Sankranti earlier, explaining about the significance of the festival and some of our traditions associated with it like Rangoli that is Muggu, Bhogi Pandlu, Kite flying and so on. You may click on the following four Links / Titles to read them.

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