Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

The New Year is a time for celebration and looking towards the future with hope and anticipation. It is with this hope that I sincerely pray and wish you; a very happy and prosperous New Year.
Times have changed since my childhood. Technology is constantly advancing and bringing about many benefits and comforts to the society, in every field around us. At the same time many other serious problems are growing uncontrollably. To name a few, the ever increasing pollution levels, spread of disease and poor health, terrorism, accidents on roads, depletion of natural resources, inflation, unemployment, rise in crime rate and other evils in society, alcoholism and drugs, unabated corruption, misrule by greedy and deceitful politicians in the Government and many more complex problems. Even the mighty Ocean you see in the above picture is not as healthy as it was. We may not be able to set right most of these complex problems, but we can certainly take care of our welfare, our life, our future and our surroundings. Let us not be complacent, let us be cautious about most of these growing evils and take care of ourselves. Let us lead or boldly support good leaders and movements that promise better life to the society.
I have highlighted the above issues with the view that some of the points I raised would prompt you in making New Year Resolutions! that would make you lead a happy, safe and healthy life.        

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