Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rahu; Ketu, Kaala Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Puja.

I and my wife were at Tirumala, the hill top abode of Lord Sri Venkateshwaraswamy on 9th May, our Wedding Anniversary day. We performed “Sahasra Deepalankarana Seva” in the evening and had a satisfactory Darshan of Sri Venkateshwaraswamy by being in the queue for just 55 minutes!
The next day; on 10th May, we came down from Tirumala Hills to Tirupati and visited the Temple of Sri Kapileshwara Swamy at Kapila Theertham, the recently constructed Sri Krishna Temple of ISKCON, Sri Govindaraja Swamy Temple, Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple at Alamelu Mangapuram and finally we reached Sri Kalahasti Temple by 2:00 PM, to perform “Rahu Ketu Kaala Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Puja” and have Darshan of Sri Kalahastheeswara, that is Lord Shiva. The Temple town of Kalahasti is about 40 Kms. from Tirupati.
“Rahu Ketu Kaala Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Puja” is recommended to all those having a snake like formation of planetary positions that is malefic placement of Rahu and Ketu planets in their horoscope charts. The person having Kaala Sarpa Dosha is said to have a difficult life. He may have problems in all fronts like marriage, money, profession, career, health and so on. It is believed that this Dosha is controllable and curable by offering prayers to Rahu and Ketu. This can be performed at few Temples in every city but performing it at Kalahasti is considered very auspicious and beneficial. Rahu Ketu Puja is conducted at Kalahasti throughout the day but performing it during Rahukalam makes it all the more significant and very beneficial. We do not have Kaala Sarpa Dosha in our horoscopes, but we were asked to perform it at Kalahasti for overall benefit to us and our family. On Tuesdays Rahu Kalam is from 3:00 to 4:30 P.M, so we performed it from 3:00 to 3:30 P.M.
On payment of Rs. 1000/- the Temple gave us all the items required for the Puja, that is two silver snake shaped strips representing Rahu and Ketu, two pieces of cloth of red and black color, horse gram (ulavalu), black gram (minumulu), three coconuts, flowers, betel leaves, areca nuts, vermillion and turmeric powder, a blouse piece and Anga vastram. We reached and sat at the Puja site by 2:20 P.M. We were then directed to arrange Rahu Ketu over the colored clothes and grains given by Temple and similarly the betel leaves and to break the coconuts. The Puja started soon after Rahukalam commenced at 3:00 P.M. and lasted for half an hour. Rahu and Ketu were worshipped by first mentioning the names of the family members, Gothram, Nakshatram and Rasi and then by offering flowers, vermillion and turmeric as slokas were being recited by the Brahmin and sometimes repeated by us. At the end of the Puja we were asked to pick up the silver images of Rahu and Ketu and carry them to the Temple of Sri Kalahastheeswara, have Darshan of Lord Shiva and then to drop the silver images of Rahu and Ketu in the main Hundi of the Temple, after rotating the images thrice over our heads. We then had Darshan of Sri Gnana Prasoonambika (Parvati Devi) in an adjacent Temple.
Everyday hundreds of persons perform “Rahu Ketu Kaala Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Puja” at Kalahasti.


  1. i agree that puja at kalahasti can reduce the most dreaded combination in which all planets icluding lagna is hemmed between rahu and ketu. But an individual having the above combination if the RAHU dasa does not take place during his birth period will not face much bad effects.
    but if RAHU DASA PERIOD if present duruing his lifetime he has to compulsorily do this puja at
    Kalahasti or at Triambakam near NASIK.

  2. Is there any Dress code to Perform Puja?

    1. No, there is no dress code. Any decent dress that covers us well is OK.

    2. I will be coming to Kalahasti on a Sunday to perform the kaalasarpa dosha nirvana puja and then will be going back to the hotel. Then the next day I plan to go to Tirupati (as I am coming all the way from Uttar Pradesh). I was told that I cannot visit any other temple after performing the kaalasarpa dosha nirvana puja. Please help.

    3. To the best of my knowledge there is absolutely no problem in your visiting Tirupati/Tirumala the next day. Please do not have any doubts regarding this. Wish you a very good darshan of Lord Venkateshwara Swamy and his blessings.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I am been told to perform Rahu – Kethu Sarpa Dosha Nivarana , wanted some info from you: 1) hows the pooja recited, is it in Telugu, as I don't know telugu will it be difficult for me to perform the pooja, 2) do I need to pay additional fees like dakshina to the priest in addition to the pooja fees, if so around how much 3) do I need to discard my clothes and have bath after the pooja, your feedback will be appreciated, thank you

    1. At Sri Kalahasti you will face no problem in performing this pooja. This pooja is conducted in batches throughout the day at different locations in the Temple for Rs. 250/-, Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1000/-. This amount is towards all the pooja material and the temple / priest fee. Along with us a number of couples and individuals from other States performed this pooja. The priest was walking amidst us reciting the slokas and instructing us in Telugu, Hindi and English as required, so language should not be a problem. There is no need to pay any additional dakshina to the priest. No instruction was given to any of us regarding taking bath immediately after the pooja or discarding of clothes. We just washed our legs and returned to our rest house.
      Though the pooja is performed at the temple throughout the day, we were advised to perform it on any day during Rahu Kalam and if possible on Tuesday.
      I hope this information will be useful to you.
      God bless you and your family.

    2. Thank you sir for the info, I did this pooja ,but as my husband was out of the country I sat alone for the Pooja and now we are been blessed with a sweet daughter after 9 years of marriage, thank you.

    3. Dear Mrs. Kavita Naik,
      Thank you for writing to me. Your message stating that my article has been useful to you has made me very happy.
      May your growing family be happy, peaceful and live in prosperity.
      With regards to you and your husband and blessings to your daughter...
      - N. Raghu.

  4. is there any constraint on the food something like people performing pooja should not take non veg for 45 days or should not prepare non veg at home.? also can you let me know if there is any contact number to contact regarding the pooja,rules and timings?

  5. Can anyone who does not have rahu kethu dosam perform rahu-ketu pooja?

  6. Hai I am staying in Srikalahasti here Rahu Kethu sarpa santhi done in this Temple if any body having problem in life like marriage,love, Rift between husband & wife, vassthu problem in home for all in one to solve the problem best do Rahu Kethu Pooja. If you want assist please call 09966695305 or 09600883609 m.yuvakishore don't purchase any item out side. Temple will give all items inside counter. Pooja are as fallow Rs300/-, Rs750/-,Rs 1500/- VIP Pooja Rs2500/- Abhishekam Rs 600/-

  7. Is it required that the person effected by dosha only has to do the pooja by his own hands or anybody else like his parents can do the pooja taking the effected person's name and nakshatra in sankalpam.

    1. While parents are performing the pooja, they are asked to mention their Gothram, individual names, nakshatrams and also the names of all their children, as it happened in our case. So I believe the whole family is benefited. There is one priest performing the pooja standing and moving around for a large group of couples and individuals, so prior to the commencement of pooja one can request the priest how to specifically perform it for their son.
      However as it was possible for my son to visit Sri Kalahasti some time before his wedding he has performed the pooja on this own.
      I am sorry that I am not able to answer your query more specifically.

    2. Hi Sir,
      I want to do this pooja....what percautions ,we have to take after sarpa dosha pooja regarding food , staying and sleeping it ok to stay in lodge and what about food and have to slept on bed or noraml ??

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My husband and my son both have sarpa dosha last Sunday my husband and me performed pooja my son could n't come as he was exams,as my husband did pooja is enough or later my son has to perform again

    1. Madam, As far as my knowledge goes...since you may have mentioned your son's name during Sankalpam and during the pooja procedure it may not be required for your son to perform this pooja immediately. However I feel that it would be good if he performs the pooja sometime before his marriage. However you may also consult a good astrologer on this matter.

  10. Replies
    1. Madam, As far as my knowledge goes...since you may have mentioned your son's name during Sankalpam and during the pooja procedure it may not be required for your son to perform this pooja immediately. However I feel that it would be good if he performs the pooja sometime before his marriage. However you may also consult a good astrologer on this matter.

  11. This Blog is awesome and thanks for posting .
    Rahu Ketu

  12. Thank you for giving valuable information

  13. can i perform instead of my husband for rahu ketu puja and what are the eating procedure before puja

  14. We want to perform this pooja as a family. Can this be done. I have 3 kids and if we buy the 1500 rupees ticket, are we all allowed.


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