Saturday, May 28, 2011

Global Peace Index-2011 & :-( INDIA :-(

Global Peace Index for 2011 is just announced; and this year India has further slipped down. We are at 135th position in a list of 153 countries. In 2010 our rank was 128 and in year 2009 our ranking was 122 which means year after year we are becoming a less peaceful country. The Global Peace Index (GPI) is a product of “The Institute for Economics and Peace”, with Head Quarters at Sydney, Australia. The Index is developed in consultation with an international panel of Peace Experts and data collected and collated by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Peacefulness of countries is measured on a wide range of Indicators as detailed in the chart below:
I do not like this report. I do not want to believe that we are amongst the least peaceful Nations in the World. However the Government and the Politicians should take this report seriously and take corrective actions wherever possible. Decades of brutality, neglect, exploitation and breach of promises and agreements in my region should come to an end; there will be no peace here until Telangana State is formed. The State and Central Governments and various political parties have been promising separate Statehood for Telangana in speeches,  manifestos and at every opportunity for winning elections and coming to power and then go back on their words and suppress the movement for Telangana State with brutal Police force, batons, guns, firing, teargas, arrests and false promises again. Peace is not a priority here; it is power and wealth for the politicians by violence against those fighting for their rights. Many such internal conflicts exist in other States too and there is rising violence and crime all over the country. We have perennial issues with our neighbors which we are not capable of sorting out. As long as we have such inefficient, irresponsible, insincere and idiotic Politicians and Governments we are bound to be amongst the World’s least peaceful countries. God save Telangana, God save India.

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