Saturday, October 30, 2010

Travel free by Train! In First Class, accompanied by two servants and 200 Kg. luggage!?

Such free travel! Any number of times, every year, is not possible for any family anywhere in the world, today. But this was a reality in the past. This privilege was given to my father and other Officers who were employed with “H.E.H. The Nizam’s State Railway”. My father held such passes for 16 years, as long as he was with the Railways. He held a Free Pass for the family, and servants and a huge baggage allowance, and another similar pass was issued to my mother in case she had to travel by herself. I am exhibiting below, one such Free Pass, which I came across recently. It is a Free First Class Pass issued to my mother for the year 1949 permitting her to travel with 3 Maunds (112 kg)! of luggage accompanied by free travel for two servants (in III Class) each carrying 35 Seers (44 kg)! of luggage. “GOOD OLD DAYS!” 


  1. wow! and we need to pay extra baggage :( :( :(

  2. Grt!! Those generations were lucky to have such privileges.

  3. Wow ! That would have been a real privilege

  4. This is precious. Do preserve it. And what a great honor!


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