Tuesday, May 12, 2009

God’s miracles are mostly - making people help people!

The other day I was stopped by somebody who was trying to reach an address at Chenoy Trade Center, Secunderabad, and was lost. When I gave him the right directions, he annoyed me by stating that he has already been to that area and there is no building by that name. What followed perplexes me and the gratitude expressed by that man astonishes me.

Five days a week, I and my wife go for an early morning walk at the Parade Grounds. On this particular day, we returned home from the walk by 6:15 am. Instead of having a cup of tea on return, I went out on my Motorbike to post a letter at the post box located near the Gandhi statue on M.G. Road. On my way back I was stopped by this man at the Coupons Mall at Paradise, who gave me a slip of paper containing an address and asked for directions. He was looking for an Advocate’s residential address at Chenoy Trade Center which was within a Kilometer’s distance from where we stood. I gave him the instructions to reach the place and it was rather easy to describe the route as he had to take two essential turns along that road to reach the place. He rather reacted oddly stating “Sir, I have arrived from Nizamabad at 3:30 am and for 3 hours I am walking these roads in circles and I have been to the area directed by you, there is no such building there”. This reaction from him when I have sincerely given him the correct instructions annoyed me. I simply asked him to get on my Motorbike. He was taken aback; he just stared at me and sat on the vehicle. As I took him to the address I could feel that he was a worried man doubting my motives.

I stopped within the Chenoy Trade Center complex and told him that we have reached the address. He got down from the Motorbike but even then he did not seem to believe me. At that point, the Security person there approached us and I told him of the address we are looking for and he pointed to the apartment of the Advocate. It was at this juncture that this man became extremely happy and teary-eyed and instantly kneeled and touched my feet in gratitude and said “You have appeared as God and helped me”. I was stunned at the way he expressed his gratitude. What I did was in reaction to his rude behaviour of not believing my correct instructions and perhaps a little pity but not for any appreciation from him.   I just smiled and left.

For a man lost in the big city for over 3 hours and with no one to give him the right directions his chance meeting with me who gave the right directions is normal. But me getting annoyed with his reaction and dropping him at the doorstep of his destination while I was anxious for my morning cup of tea is perplexing.

The whole day I was happy simply because I brought happiness to another man, a stranger in trouble.

1 comment:

Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

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