Wednesday, June 19, 2024

My hobbies have vanished or locked up in cupboards!


Learnt over a hundred card tricks,

During childhood and teens for pleasure,

One of the many hobbies I had

In the '60s and '70s, a treasure.

For many years it served me well,

To entertain, surprise, amuse, and puzzle,

Family, friends, and relatives dear,

Especially children, whose laughter was a hustle.

All I needed was one or two packs of cards,

An occasion, an interested audience, a spark.

Today, such situations rarely arise,

And life has moved on, leaving its mark.

My card tricks paraphernalia you see here,

Has moved into higher and higher storage cupboards.

My memoirs brought the items down today,

To click a picture, to reminisce happy card times, now blurred.

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