Sunday, November 12, 2023

About auspicious conches… Dakshinavarti Shankh, Valampuri Shankh and Lakshmi Shankh


Glad to present here (for general information) the most auspicious conches, believed to be the abode of Lakshmi Devi and popularly known as Dakshinavarti Shankh, Valampuri Shankh and Lakshmi Shankh.

They are installed in the Puja altar of the house after the ‘Dakshinavarti Shankh Sthapana Vidhi’ for praying as Lakshmi Devi and Vishnu and used in the Puja rituals like bathing the idols of Gods (Abhishekam). It is said that water stored/poured through these conches becomes equivalent to the water from all the holy rivers of the country.

These benevolent conches are said to:

Cleanse the aura and also clean all the impurities present in the atmosphere

Attract prosperity and riches and offer financial stability

Spread happiness and attract positivity

Offer mental peace and enhance the memory of students

Ward off malefic effects of planets and nullify negative energies

Note: Dakshinavarti Shankh is very rare to find. The most auspicious ones are found only in the Indian Ocean around Rameshwaram and Sri Lanka, and even the smallest ones would cost several thousands of Rupees and the larger ones in lakhs of Rupees. The ones you see in these pictures are from either the Arabian Sea or from around Florida and cost less… these right-handed conches are rare because most conches are left-handed. For every one lakh left-handed conches, there could be just one right-handed conch that is Dakshinavarti Shankh.


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