Tuesday, May 30, 2023

It is wonderful to have fishermen friends and friends residing along the sea.

For landlocked residents like me, it is wonderful to have fishermen friends and friends residing along the sea. When they visit us they bring us a variety of extraordinary gifts, I call them gifts because they would not accept money and extraordinary because such a variety is not available here, for any price and we can relish them over many days! The photographs below would indicate to you what the gift is!

Please do not hate me for this post.

For those of you who may find this post repulsive, I wish to inform you that dried fish is a natural product that retains the antioxidants and omega-3 benefits of fresh fish. It is also a rich source of healthy proteins. 100 grams of dry fish contains 80-85 per cent protein and only about 300 calories. It’s not only rich in proteins, but the quality of proteins in dried fish is also superior.

Further, most of the fish available in the dried form is very low in calories and cholesterol. Not just that, it also contains a high dose of minerals and vitamins which are essential for the development of the body. The saturated fat content in dried fish is also very less.

That makes dry fish a very healthy choice of food, for countless people in many countries around the world!

Forget everything else love the taste of dry fish!

To promote this delicious food, the dried fish, here is a collection, of slogans by me to spread awareness and highlight the benefits of this healthy food.

1. Catch the Taste of Dried Fish!


2. Deliciously Dried and Ready to Go!


3. Enjoy the Savoury Taste of Dried Fish!


4. Get Onboard the Dried Fish Craze!


5. Feast On Dried Fish Delicacies!


6. Dried Fish - A Savour to Remember!


7. Dried Fish - A Fresh Catch Tradition!


8. Taste the Eternity of Dried Fish!


9. Catch the Crunchy Flavour of Dried Fish!


10. Gone Fishing... For Dried Fish!


11. Get Hooked On Dried Fish!


12. Don't Just Fry, Try Dried Fish!


13. Dried Fish - Succulent and Savoury!


14. Dried Fish - Tastes As Good As It Looks!


15. Add A Little Zest to Your Meal - Try Dried Fish!


16. Don't Go Away Thirsty, Try Dried Fish!


17. Line Up For Delicious Dried Fish!


18. Catch a Bite of Nature's Best - Dried Fish!


19. Sprinkle the Joy of Dried Fish!


20. Dried Fish - The Crave that Doesn't Wave!


21. Keep Calm and Crunch On Dried Fish!


22. Don't Miss the Taste of Dried Fish!


23. Get Hooked On Tempting Dried Fish!


24. Embrace the Taste of Dried Fish!


25. Dive Into the Deliciousness of Dried Fish!


26. Go Fishing with Delicious Dried Fish!


27. Fish Out the Benefits of Dried Fish!


28. Reel In Your Catch of Dried Fish!


29. Gather 'Round For Dried Fish!


30. All Natural and Deliciously Dried Fish!


31. Ahoy the Flavour of Dried Fish!


32. A Fish Tale of Flavour - Dried Fish!


33. Shed New Light on Dried Fish!


34. Deep Fry of Deliciousness - Dried Fish!


35. Get A Hook and Catch Dried Fish!


36. Get Hooked On Healthy Dried Fish!


37. Dried Fish - The Campfire Favourite!


38. Take a Bite of Dried Fish Delight!


39. Enjoy the Fruity Taste of Dried Fish!


40. A Taste of the Sea - Dried Fish!


41. Buckle Up For Delicious Dried Fish!


42. Dried Fish - For a Meal with a Zing!


43. Dried Fish - Fin-tastic for Any Meal!


44. Love at First Bite of Dried Fish!


45. Feel the Freshness of Dried Fish!


46. All Nutrients, No Guilt - Dried Fish!


47. Get Snappy with Dried Fish!


48. Enjoy the Fishy Freshness of Dried Fish!


49. Go Fish... For Dried Fish!


50. Dive Into the Scrumptiousness of Dried Fish!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

A caption for this photo, please…


Could you please suggest a caption for the above photograph, a vintage one, but a dear photograph for me? Not one, but more captions are welcome from you, to make this photograph convey wisdom and smiles, in the comments section below.

Here are my caption suggestions.  Which one is most apt, please let me know.

The love of a father for his daughters is the best!

Sky, river and rocks are so beautiful! But more beautiful, a caring father with his lovely daughters!!

Two brave girls, ‘Shiva Bakths’ with black snakes around their necks?

Be a gentleman, on a rocky path, girls and women should be assisted.

Take extreme care of your children, especially when outdoors.

Even walking on rocks with loved ones is a pleasure.

Daddy, you are an engineer, please lay a road to this river.

Daughters, may you always remember that you have my hand to hold.

A nature trip is thrilling and rejuvenates from the tiring and busy city life.

Teach children, both girls and boys to take care of themselves on rough terrains and situations.

Girls and women are lucky, they have a father, brothers, a husband and sons to love and take care of them.

I wish I was a girl, always loved and taken care of!

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Our Marriage Anniversary Celebration – 2023



Today is our 44th Wedding Anniversary.

We are happy to have started today; soon after sunrise, by visiting Sri Ujjaini Mahakali Devasthanam, Secunderabad, and seeking the blessings of Goddess Mahakali. The temple is under one kilometre from our house ‘Srilekha’ and the one we visit often.

But today we went to the temple taking a slightly longer route, the route we took with family and friends 44 years ago… that is from ‘Srilekha’ in the morning of 9th May 1979, to ‘Gujarati Seva Mandal Kalyana Mandapam’, Jeera - our Wedding Venue, and after our wedding in a ‘Baraath’ from there to  Sri Ujjaini Mahakali temple, the first temple we visited as a couple, sought blessings of the Goddess, and continued in Baraath to ‘Srilekha’, and Grihaprevesam there as a couple. This was an exciting idea and we enjoyed going down memory lane,  a nostalgic trip involving us and our loved ones. 

In the evening we had a celebratory family dinner. The attached photos and video are from this celebration.

Greetings and best wishes came in from everyone near and dear. I thanked them all for their love, support and blessings in these 44 years, to be very specific – 16, 072 days! And wish that our bonding with all of them will last forever. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Some modern photographs do lie!

I wonder!

Why, I appear so slender,

When in fact,

I am not.

The photo is not from the past,

But most recent,

Just a day old,

I wonder how this happened!

A lesson to be learnt…

Be cautious to trust,

Mobile phone camera pictures,

As any learner with the camera modes,

Can turn anyone into fancy figures!

Into beautiful shapes and faces! 

Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

I was happy to watch the video of the family’s Candlelight Dinner at Port Blair on 15th March 2025, set under the open sky and the glow of a...