Thursday, March 30, 2023

YK Antiques Home Museum

Visiting YK Antiques Home Museum and meeting and interacting with Sri. Yenugu Krishnamurthy the owner of the museum was a great and unforgettable experience. You can see Sri. Yenugu Krishnamurthy (standing) in the topmost photograph.

I have attached many photographs of this museum to this article. I am sure you would enjoy seeing this antique décor and collection, look closely and try to recollect your memories of at least a few of them!

The lovely museum is his residence with over 900 antiques with a few very ancient. Some antiques are from his household collected and preserved over the years and the rest is his collection of antiques from various places in India and from foreign countries that he has visited. Most of the items on display are popular household items from the past, mostly of brass and copper and some are rare and exotic and of course many other equally interesting items. As all items are his hand-picked collection, he has many interesting details to tell us as we enquire or point out the items that interest us. His young associate Sri Bala Gopal was also very helpful in explaining the antiques.

We could relate to a large number of the items, as such items were a part of our family too for many years. However, with the advent and popularity of Stainless Steel utensils and many modern kitchen appliances, our family had to discard the older items to accommodate the newer ones. One of the many items we could relate to is a large copper water boiler, coal-fired, which served our hot water bathing requirement many decades ago until we got electrical geysers. It was very interesting to witness such a large collection, very exciting indeed!

The YK Antiques Home Museum is located at Saraswati Nagar Colony, Lothukunta, Secunderabad.  

In conclusion here is an excerpt from an article by Sri. Yenugu Krishnamurthy:

I have always had a special interest towards collecting antiques. Having travelled extensively both in India and abroad, I have collected antiques from different places over the years. They now are my prized possessions which are proudly displayed in my house.  Each and every item that I have in my collection has a special significance and a story behind it. Most of the items were very much a part of daily life a decade back. But gradually they have faded into oblivion and have been replaced by the modern marvels. It is my dream to showcase the cultural antiques I have collected and share their stories with anyone who may have an interest in knowing more. This blog is a realization of my dream to create an online viewing of my collection and to reach out to a wider audience.

I have tried to give as much information as possible about each antique piece and will be happy if readers can add any further information to it. These cultural antiques are the living legends of the times gone by. I have collected these antiques with an eye for beauty and antiquity. Behind every antique piece there was an artist whose signature workmanship and mark is revealed with the design and function. I hope you enjoy viewing my blog as much as I do in presenting this to you. Happy viewing experience!

- YK Murthy

For more  exhaustive information you may visit his website:

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