Friday, February 18, 2022

Beware, PPD Cancer is looming large…

When everything seems alright

After decades of the unhealthy plight

And when hope has blossomed

Resulting in all-round good

The small discomfort at times

Is today getting aggravated into an illness.

As happiness and peace tend to spread

Bringing evil attitudes to an end

Some cells of the body have become wicked

To destroy the happening good

And by hook or crook to take control of the body

To flourish by sucking blood along with their family.

But unable to fight the good of the body’s might

These venom spewing cells are scouting for support

From disgruntled evil cells all seeking evil power

And it is tending to grow into a Cancer

Called ‘Dynastic PPD Cancer’

For the greedy growth of their cancerous unity.

The mission of this cancer is solely to carnage the body

And to become strong and an unquestionable authority

For decades and maybe centuries to come

So the body may never get a chance to rise

But hopefully good will prevail over bad

And this disease before it grows will end.

PS. Beware, PPD Cancer stands for Pichakuntla Pittala Dora Cancer, a very vicious disease. This Cancer is also known as BPPD Cancer - Budubukkala Pichakuntla Pittala Dora Cancer. 


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