Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Have no so-called Vastu-fountain fears.


Enjoy this fountain and every fountain

For that matter anything charming

Without any misgiving

Like these joyous friends

Having no Vastu-fountain fears.

Let no one preach you about Vastu, on the fountain

And turn you into a most confused human

It would appear that Vastu is an authority on fountains

Like it claims to be on everything associated with humans

Especially Indians!

Vastu has a lot to tell about fountains…

Water fountain significance as per Vastu

Where should water fountains be indoors and outdoors

Water fountain: Do's and Don’ts as per Vastu

Benefits of a Water fountain to an individual as per Vastu.

Ancient Vastu Shastra has grown into a cure-all

For all problems, happiness and prosperity of all

And most certainly for the so-called Vastu consultants

As their fee, it is pouring in money and gold-gifts

It is a business without merchandise and a guarantee!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Beware, PPD Cancer is looming large…

When everything seems alright

After decades of the unhealthy plight

And when hope has blossomed

Resulting in all-round good

The small discomfort at times

Is today getting aggravated into an illness.

As happiness and peace tend to spread

Bringing evil attitudes to an end

Some cells of the body have become wicked

To destroy the happening good

And by hook or crook to take control of the body

To flourish by sucking blood along with their family.

But unable to fight the good of the body’s might

These venom spewing cells are scouting for support

From disgruntled evil cells all seeking evil power

And it is tending to grow into a Cancer

Called ‘Dynastic PPD Cancer’

For the greedy growth of their cancerous unity.

The mission of this cancer is solely to carnage the body

And to become strong and an unquestionable authority

For decades and maybe centuries to come

So the body may never get a chance to rise

But hopefully good will prevail over bad

And this disease before it grows will end.

PS. Beware, PPD Cancer stands for Pichakuntla Pittala Dora Cancer, a very vicious disease. This Cancer is also known as BPPD Cancer - Budubukkala Pichakuntla Pittala Dora Cancer. 


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Ensuring memories don’t fade!... Pictures from Valentine’s Day Celebration 2022.


Ensuring memories don’t fade!... Pictures and a Video from Valentine’s Day Celebration 2022:


And below these photographs of this year are joyous and colourful links to videos, pictures and articles of our Valentine’s Day Celebrations over the past few years.


Valentine’s Day Celebrations crept into our traditions of annual festivities around two decades ago. Sometimes it is a very grand celebration and sometimes it is a very modest one but it has become an important day for us to celebrate very happily. As the world becomes truly a Global Village with peace and prosperity all around, hope we get more and more opportunities to celebrate happy international festivals like the very popular Chinese New Year too!

My journal which is my blog has a record of our Valentine’s Day celebrations with countless photographs. For family and friends I am providing below blog links to some of our Valentine’s Day celebrations:

Sweet Memories of Valentine’s Day Celebrations! – A Video:


Video of Valentine’s Day Celebration 2021!


Happy Valentine’s Day Celebration! – 2018.


Sweet Memories of Valentine’s Day(s) Celebrations!


Picking A Cake For His Valentine! - A Photo Story:


My Blog Post No.1100! - Happy Valentine’s Day!


Happy Valentine’s Day Celebration! – 2016.


Happy Valentine’s Day Celebration! – 2015.


Happy Valentine’s Day!


Sweet Memories of Valentine’s Day(s) Celebrations!


Valentine's Day Party! - 2013


Happy Valentine's Day!


Valentine's Day Greetings! – 2012


Valentine’s Day Celebration – 2011, a Candlelight Dinner @ Home!


Valentine’s Day celebration - photographs - 2010.



Presenting a video of our Valentine’s Day celebrations over the last few years with lovely Jazz music in the background, which I am sure you would enjoy:


Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

I was happy to watch the video of the family’s Candlelight Dinner at Port Blair on 15th March 2025, set under the open sky and the glow of a...