Thursday, February 18, 2021

Hoping to bring sunshine and smiles to my nephew facing severest winter storms, a satire…

Simply as a person

Concerned of Texas situation

And as an electrical engineer

Specialised in electrical power…

In different forms of Generation


And Utilisation

And as one who worked

At a coal-based

Thermal power plant

I am deeply concerned

Of the Texas power predicament.

Wind turbines are frozen

Gas lines are frozen

Shutting down

Wind and Gas power generation

Hydel and Solar generation

Even if present, would not function

In such inclement weather

And in such a grievous situation

There are power outages

People are freezing

And there are reports of deaths.

Coal and Nuclear fuel is available

For power plants in ample

But that is not acceptable

To counter climate change.

A solution will surely be found

To such a power problem

Sooner or later

But for the quickest answer

The world should come to India

At this very moment

And meet our environmentalists

With immense knowledge of climate

Agriculture, freedom, environment

Human rights and every subject

Under the sky

Because this is the right time

As you can now easily

Find one expert who is in custody

Or those on bail

Or in hiding

Or someone on our roads

Or in our TV studios




And shouting

In support

Of these wise environmentalists…

Don’t hesitate to seek a solution

Even if that person is aged twenty-one

And whatever that person's education.

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