Thursday, September 24, 2020

At last! After posting 1498 articles and over 15,000 photos to my blog!...

This is my blog post No. 1499. And finally, now this article which I have been unintentionally delaying since I started blogging eleven years ago, in April 2009.

My family, my friends, my relatives and many followers of my blog know very well that I have written and continue to write a lot about events in our family, my travel and pilgrimage narratives, about special foods, restaurants, my take on current events and at times lyrical poetry and so on, all supported by lots of photographs numbering to over 15,000 as of now and of course some videos.

And these photographs that I am posting today after such a long delay are with me for 41 years! They should have gone into my blog a long time ago because my blog is my journal, a ready reckoner of my life events.

Nevertheless, the time has come now as I am just one short of touching the milestone of 1500 blog posts. And my next article, my blog post No. 1500 would also be of interest to the family because of countless smiles in it.

Now coming back to this post No. 1499, it is of my Wedding Photos and a short Wedding Video. My wedding took place on 9th May 1979 that is 41 years ago. I have uploaded the B & W photographs in a video format which is of 8 minutes duration. And the next video is in colour, a colour video and colour photos of 11-minute duration. The colour video and the colour photos are of poor quality as colour photography was at its infant stages in 1979, even in Mumbai. The colour video was originally shot on the now vintage Movie Camera on 8mm movie film. After developing the film we could view the movie only by hiring a Movie Projector and viewing it on a screen! Years later with the arrival of VCR, we got the 8mm film content transferred to Video Cassettes and then after the advent of VCD players and Personal Computers we got it converted to CDs. And just now into YouTube format for my journal and for the family to view, but in this long process, the quality has diminished.

Our Wedding Photos Video (B & W):

Our Wedding Video (Colour Video and Photos):

PS. Soon after the photo albums and the video arrived, I and my wife conversed why we did not appear smiling during the ceremonies. The answer was simple and the same from both of us. We were focussed on the rituals and constantly praying for a happy future for us and the happiness of our families.

The background Nadhaswaram you hear in the above two Wedding Videos is based on one of Saint Thyagaraja Swamy’s most popular Keerthanas – “Seetha Kalyana Vaibhogame, Rama Kalyana Vaibhogame”. You may listen to this melodious vocal rendition by clicking on the following video:

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