Monday, April 30, 2018

Sunday food specials and surprises!

Sunday food specials,
At home or at restaurants,
Is a common practice for all,
Such holiday specials,
Bring lots of joy!
But Sunday surprises,
Or any day food surprises,
At home,
Are greater joys!
Unknown to us,
When delicious food;
Is placed before us,
It is so thrilling!
As in this case…
When the Cloche,
Is placed before us,
It keeps us anxiously guessing!
And when the Cloche;
Is lifted!
And you see the delicious surprise spread,
And as the aromas fill the room,
And the warmth of the food,
Touches your taste buds,
And your minds,
And hearts,
It is really a wonderful feeling!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Guns and Bows are now mighty Show-offs!

Hunters Guns are hanging on walls,
And the Bullets are resting in safes.
Their Bows are hanging on walls,
And Arrows are resting in vaults.
Because their Game is almost annihilated,
And as a result Hunting is prohibited.
Guns and Bows are now mighty Show-offs!
As in these Photographs!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Sun, shadows and reflections!

Sun creates shadows of us,
And everything around us,
Everywhere on our planet,
And on planets around it!
Shadows from which; it is not simple,
To identify the people.
Sun also makes reflections,
That resembles the originals,
In shape and colours!
Of course not on its own,
But mostly with the aid of water.
Here you can witness,
Something unusual!
Sea, Sand and Sun,
Making a colourful reflection!
That makes us watch in admiration!
Because we see mostly,
Sun created dark shadows,
And less of Sun created reflections!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Loved Our Malpe Beach Vacation.

Holidays are awesome! A beach holiday in particular is all the more special for me and my wife. We have been to a number of beaches and all very popular ones and enjoyed each of our beach vacations. A few days ago from 4th April to 6th April we were at Malpe beach near Udupi, a lovely beach indeed, one of the top beaches in our country.  This is a beach I have been to many times with my brother and friends while I was studying Engineering at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, which is very close by. For my wife it is her first visit and she has overwhelmingly enjoyed it.
We were at the Paradise Isle Beach Resort, which is just across the beach, offering us from our room an expansive view of the beach and the Arabian Sea. We spent a lot of time in the mornings and evenings at the beach and in the Sea!  One morning we visited the nearby beautiful St. Mary’s Island and enjoyed the visit and the boat ride.
We visited the Malpe Fishing harbor, the Fish market and the Sea walk. We enjoyed lots of fish delicacies, for every meal, except breakfasts.
We enjoyed the vacation more than we expected. Without going into any further details, I will let my photographs and videos convey to you of the beautiful Malpe beach, the Sea and our vacation:

At The Beautiful Malpe Beach
In the Sea! At Malpe

Malpe Beach Vacation – A Photo Video
Beautiful view of Malpe Beach and the Arabian Sea from our Hotel Room
At Malpe Fishing Harbour and Sea Walk

Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

I was happy to watch the video of the family’s Candlelight Dinner at Port Blair on 15th March 2025, set under the open sky and the glow of a...