Thursday, September 15, 2016

Balapur Ganesh Laddu–2016, auctioned for Rs. 14.65 Lakhs!

The famous Balapur Ganesh Laddu weighing 21 Kgs. was procured today by Skylab Reddy of Keesara in a fierce auction for Rs. 14.65 Lakhs! Last year it was auctioned for Rs. 10.32 Lakhs. Year after year its popularity and price is going up. At the end of this article you can see a list of year-wise price of this popular Laddu Prasadam.
Balapur village is a suburb of Hyderabad City. Balapur Ganesh Utsava Samithi started celebrating Ganesh Chavithi in a grand way from 1980. And since 1994 the Laddu kept in one hand of the large Ganesh idol on Ganesh Chavithi festival day is auctioned eleven days later, on the day of Ganesh Nimajjanam/immersion. The idol is taken in a procession in the village and brought back to the Pandal and then the Laddu Prasadam is auctioned amidst thousands of locals and visitors. The auction is always very fierce and interesting. This year it began with 24 persons participating and the amount kept rising and finally it was given away for Rs. 14.65 Lakhs. This amount is used by the Utsava Committee for the development of Balapur.
There is a very strong belief among people that Balapur Laddu brings good luck to the highest bidder and his family. People talk of the prosperity and happiness that has come to previous top bidders.
After winning the auction the bidder would normally distribute the Laddu Prasadam among his family, friends, relatives and community. He would also shower some of it in his fields as it is believed to enrich the soil and enhance yield.
On this day, there is full coverage of the events at Balapur by all regional TV channels and people enjoy watching the bidding process.
After this Balapur Laddu tradition became popular, auctioning of Ganesh Chavithi Laddu Prasadam has become very common throughout the Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Auctioning is taking place at hundreds of community Puja Pandals and even at residential colonies and flats. And here too the auction amounts are quite significant ranging from few Lakhs to thousands of Rupees.  

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