Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My mother tongue is popular once again.

My mother tongue, the sweetest language and one closest to my heart has become very popular once again these days. It can be heard everywhere. People around me are speaking the language with no qualms. Round the clock it can be heard over all available local FM Radio Stations and TV Channels. Local Radio Stations and TV Channels never spoke in our dialect before, but now it is the only language they speak and I am extremely glad about this transformation. Now this situation will never change, thanks to the formation of Telangana State.
Telugu is the third-most spoken language in our Country after Hindi and Bengali. As most of you are aware Telugu is spoken mostly by the people of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Like English and many other languages in the world Telugu is spoken in different dialects. There is an enormous difference in Telugu spoken by people of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and within these States there is a difference from District to District due to various reasons like history and the influence of neighboring States and their languages.  My mother tongue is Telugu of Telangana dialect, and to be more specific Telugu of Hyderabad region. This Telugu dialect which was spoken for centuries in Hyderabad and all over Telangana region came into problems since 1956 as the neighboring region through mostly devious means entered into every aspect of life in Telangana and ruled over us with tremendous domination, neglect and injustice. Under such uncaring leadership some arrogant migrants cracked merciless jokes on us and our dialect and almost every movie showed the local people in bad light and ridiculed the local dialect. Such treatment affected the local dialect.
Protests and agitations by the locals went on for decades to fight against the injustices and ill-treatment. Sometimes on a large scale which was suppressed with brute force due to which over 400 persons died. Ultimately after almost six decades of struggle this region became free of this merciless rule on 2nd June 2014. Today all those responsible for such misery have left and the region is seeing all-round development. The dark-age filled with power cuts has come to an end. And most importantly my mother tongue has become popular once again, many words and phrases long unused can be heard everywhere today. And I am very glad of this situation.


  1. Really loved this most.. makes me think about my language "Bengali". Youth these days are completely ignoring their own mother tongue just to sound cool and happening but this is killing the local culture and we must respect the dialects and hope that its stays unique without any external influence...

  2. This is totally awesome. Although variety of article on this topic, this article contains some of the precious points which were never be read in other articles.


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