Friday, July 3, 2015

I Wish ‘Telanganaku Harithahaaram Program’ All Success.

Today – 3/July/2015, our Telangana State launched a massive program to plant 230 Crore saplings, statewide over the next three years. The program was launched by the State Chief Minister at the Temple Town of Chilukuru, close to Hyderabad, at 3 pm today. The goal is to plant 40 thousand saplings in every village and 40 Lakh saplings in every assembly constituency per year. This is to increase the Tree Cover in the State from 24 percent to 33 percent of its geographical area.
The Government shall supply saplings and seeds to farmers and individuals to grow trees along their farms and houses. And through various departments of the Government it would monitor and plant saplings and rejuvenate forests, grow trees in wastelands and along roads, ponds and so on. It is also taking every measure to nurture and protect these plantations.
This program is called ‘Telanganaku Harithahaaram’ which means ‘Green Garland to Telangana’. I wish this ongoing program will be a big success and bring about all the benefits that the marvelous trees are capable of.
Some of the many slogans the Government is bringing forward to educate the common men about this program are as follows:
Come…Let’s plant and protect trees. Let us make our Telangana a beautiful Green State.
Let’s participate in the Green Movement.
From the day of birth to the final departure, the only link that is inseparable is the bond with trees and nature.
Growing trees is imperative for preserving our environment and to maintain ecological balance.
Let us plant trees in our surroundings and wherever there is open space.
More Forests – More Rainfall.
Telangana State Harithahaaram Program Complete Details - as per Government Info:
National Forest Policy envisages having a minimum of 33% of the total geographical area under forest / tree cover to maintain environmental stability and ecological balance which are vital for sustenance of all life-forms, human, animal and plants.
In Telangana State, forest area is 24 percent of the total geographical area.
The State Government has initiated a flagship program, “Telanganaku Harithahaaram” for taking massive afforestation activities to increase the green cover of the state to the desired level of 33% of the total geographical area.
The goal of 33% tree cover is sought to be achieved by protecting and rejuvenating the existing forests, taking massive plantation programs outside forest areas under Social Forestry and Peoples’ Movement
initiatives in Forest Areas.
The major thrust in forest areas will be given to:
Forest Protection – against smuggling, fire, encroachment, grazing, poaching etc.
Afforestation – Raising plantation in blank and open forests.
Rejuvenating degraded forests by coppicing, singling and other silviculture interventions.
Taking large scale Soil and Moisture Conservation works.
Encouraging plantation activities in RoFR areas (Recognition of Forest Rights areas).
Initiatives Outside Forest Areas.
The major thrust outside forest areas will be for raising:
Avenue plantation – Preferably in multiple rows – along the National and State Highways apart from Rural roads.
Institutional plantations – All government and private institutions to be covered.
Barren Hill afforestation.
Tank foreshore plantations.
River bank and rivulets plantations.
Homestead & Industrial areas.
Agro forestry – farmers should be encouraged to adopt various models of agro forestry for increased income levels and economic security.
Creation of Smrithi vanams.
Planting in Urban Residential colonies.
Action Plan:
For three years (Rs. 800 Crs/yr)
Target : 230 Crore plants
Forest Areas : 100 Crore Plants
Non Forest Areas: 120 Crore Plants
HMDA : 10 Crore Plants
(40 lakh Seedlings per Assembly Consitutency)
A detailed exercise for identification of nurseries and the sites available for raising plantations have been undertaken.
3300 number of nurseries for raising 41.00 Crore (approx.) seedlings for 2015 planting has been identified in the state.
Nurseries will be raised by various agencies involved, Forest Department, DWMA, Agriculture, Horticulture, Tribal Welfare etc.
Further, action is being taken by the implementing agencies for procurement of polythene bags and seeds for grounding the nurseries.

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