Saturday, March 7, 2015

Our granddaughter’s exams are over!...We wish her happy holidays!

Sudhiksha’s Annual Exams are over today!
Goodbye to her long hours of study,
It is time for other dear activities,
To relax, play and enjoy.
What better way to start,
Than savouring a delicacy!
So she volunteered to help me,
In creating this delicious snack,
Grilled potatoes!
With cheese and spices topping,
For all of us to relish and rejoice!
And welcome her Summer Vacation!


  1. Ah...the little baby is growing up to be a little young lady!

    1. You said that very well, thank you. Taking cue from Ch. Apoorva, she is taking her piano classes seriously this summer.

  2. Never saw your response :-(

    If she is passionate about that, please take a look at :

    They have exams conducted by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. They are represented in India as well with Hyd being in one of the zones. Apoorva passed the first level theory and practical tests when they conducted the tests in the US. I am sure Sudiksha can ace them too!


    1. Thank you for the information. I will gather more details from the site you have provided and pass on the information to her parents.


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