Friday, May 30, 2014

A Tribute to the Great Indian Car – “The Ambassador”.

The Ambassador Car, the most popular and loved Sedan of India for decades will no longer be available.
Kolkata based Hindustan Motors has been manufacturing the Ambassador Car since 1948 and has sold this Car in countless numbers in every part of our country. Due to various problems the company has shutdown/suspended production this week. Though the production has come to a halt, I think for several more years we can see the existing Ambassador Cars, lovingly called Amby/Ambys throughout the length and breadth of the country.
I wish Hindustan Motors would soon overcome its problems and come out with a new Avatar, a State-of-the-art Ambassador Car.
The above posters, and the verse and pictures below are a tribute to this greatest Car of India:
Goodbye Ambassador Car!
Good & Grand Old Ambassador Car!
You Have Served Us!
And Our Country Well!
As No Other Car Has & Will!
You Will Never Be Forgotten!
You Are India’s Immortal Car!
Goodbye Ambassador Car!


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