Friday, May 30, 2014

A Tribute to the Great Indian Car – “The Ambassador”.

The Ambassador Car, the most popular and loved Sedan of India for decades will no longer be available.
Kolkata based Hindustan Motors has been manufacturing the Ambassador Car since 1948 and has sold this Car in countless numbers in every part of our country. Due to various problems the company has shutdown/suspended production this week. Though the production has come to a halt, I think for several more years we can see the existing Ambassador Cars, lovingly called Amby/Ambys throughout the length and breadth of the country.
I wish Hindustan Motors would soon overcome its problems and come out with a new Avatar, a State-of-the-art Ambassador Car.
The above posters, and the verse and pictures below are a tribute to this greatest Car of India:
Goodbye Ambassador Car!
Good & Grand Old Ambassador Car!
You Have Served Us!
And Our Country Well!
As No Other Car Has & Will!
You Will Never Be Forgotten!
You Are India’s Immortal Car!
Goodbye Ambassador Car!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Identity of the Amazing Spider-Man!

I am glad to reveal the identity of Spider-Man!

Here in this picture, you see him casting his web!

Without his costume! Commanding:

“Go web! Fly! Up, up, and away web!

Shazam! Go! Go! Go web go! Tally ho!”

I am proud to know him so well!

He is my grandnephew, Vicky!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Announcement of my son Ch. Srikanth and Ch. La. Sow. Ranjini’s Engagement Ceremony on facebook and twitter and now on my blog:

For all of us!
Was a great day!
A day of joy and celebrations!
So marvellous!
So lovely!
And so sweet!
As this beauty!
(More on this soon, just as
more photographs arrive)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Election Results-2014 will be out today!

Election Results-2014 will be out today!
About 66 percent of our Country’s 814 Million electorate voted between 7th April and 12th May 2014, in 9 phases, to pick a new 543-Member 16th Lok Sabha. A total of 8,251 candidates, including 668 women and 5 transgenders, contested the Lok Sabha battle. The counting of Votes, at 989 centres across the country will begin at 8 a.m. today, 16th May 2014. And the fate of these aspirants will be known by the end of the day.
Equally interesting and important to me are the Legislative Assembly – Vidan Sabha results of the soon to be formed Telangana State and residual Andhra Pradesh State. Along with the General Elections, Vidan Sabha elections were held in Telangana on 30th April and in residual Andhra Pradesh on 7th May 2014 in 119 and 175 MLA constituencies, respectively. And these results too would be out today.
Like me; every Indian who has voted would be interested in these Election Results. So let us just sit back and enjoy the results, hoping the best would win and run our States and Country efficiently.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

"The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein and narration by N. Raghu.

The Giving Tree is an extraordinary children’s picture book written and illustrated by Shel Silverstein, first published in 1964. Since then over 10 million copies of the book have been published in English alone and many more translated editions in various foreign languages.  Here in this video, you can hear me narrating this story that represents a great relationship of love, friendship, giving and sacrifice:
The book follows the life of a female apple tree and a male human, who are able to communicate with each other; the tree addresses the human as "Boy" his entire life. In his childhood, the boy enjoys playing with the tree, climbing her trunk, swinging from her branches, and eating her apples. However, as time passes he starts to make requests of the tree.
After entering adolescence, the boy wants money; the tree suggests that he pick and sell her apples, which he does. After reaching adulthood, the boy wants a house; the tree suggests he cut her branches to build a house, which he does. After reaching middle age, the boy wants a boat; the tree suggests he cut her trunk to make a boat, which he does, leaving only a stump.
In the final pages, the boy (now a shrivelled old man) wants only "a quiet place to sit and rest," which the stump provides. The story ends with the sentence "And the tree was happy."
The book has generated several opinions on how to interpret the relationship between the tree and the boy:
* The tree represents God and the boy represents humankind.
* The tree represents Mother Nature and the boy represents humankind.
* The tree and the boy are friends.
* The tree and the boy have a parent-child relationship.
In whichever way you may interpret the story, you will be moved by the love and helping nature of the tree. And I hope you will like my narration of the story.

Monday, May 12, 2014

“Plant Trees, Save Trees” – Posters by Lalitha & Sudhiksha.

“No shade tree?
Blame not the Sun, but yourself.”
- Chinese proverb
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The next best time is today.”
- Chinese proverb
Save trees, they will save you.
Save trees, save the world.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Our Wedding Anniversary – 2014.

9th May 2014.
By God’s grace another happy event in the family, our 35th Wedding Anniversary Celebration, which all of us… our family enjoyed. Thank You GOD for keeping us safe, healthy and happy. May your blessings be with us always.
Here are photographs… sweet life memories! from the event. The photographs echo our happiness so I do not wish to say much about the Celebration but for a delightful fact that the Cake you see in the pictures is a delicious Rich Chocolate Orange Cake! Which everyone relished and it was the best among a good dinner spread.
Thanks Everyone!
The Love of a Family is life’s greatest Blessing!
- Lalitha & Raghu.

Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

I was happy to watch the video of the family’s Candlelight Dinner at Port Blair on 15th March 2025, set under the open sky and the glow of a...