Friday, November 1, 2013

Wish You All A Very Happy Deepavali.

Dear All,
Wish you all a VERY HAPPY DEEPAVALI. Please be careful with Crackers and have a very safe Deepavali.
You may see my earlier exhaustive photo posts on Deepavali; covering traditions like ‘Harathulu’, ‘Bommala Koluvu’, ‘Crackers/Fireworks’ and ‘Festive Foods’, by clicking on the five links below. I hope you will find them interesting and informative.
Deepavali Harathulu:
Deepavali Bommala Koluvu:
The Joy of Crackers & Sparklers:
Deepavali Greetings:
Deepavali commentary and songs by our granddaughter, Sudhiksha:
You may click on the following link / URL to see a Greeting Card come to life with heavy animation of diyas, sparklers, crackers and the melodious commentary and songs by our granddaughter, Sudhiksha:
You may click on the ‘Pink Play/Pause Button’ available on the Greeting Card to listen to Sudhiksha once again.
N. Raghu. 
P.S. Deepavali Harathulu 2013 - Video:

1 comment:

  1. Raghu sir

    Happy Diwali wishes to you, your family members and friends.

    Raghu sir great Diwali photos. Raghu sir shall i use these Diwali photos in my Heritage of India blog's Diwali message "Lamps of India".

    Raghu sir please look into my Lamps of India message and share your comments. Sir if you give permission then i want to use your Lamps images in my message.

    Raghu sir i am waiting for your reply and valuable comment.


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