Friday, June 21, 2013

I love to live amidst trees and plants.

Here is something lovely,
That can’t be bought instantly.
A shade tree for your family!
With such a large canopy!
It is ‘Madhavi Lata Creeper’,
Shining in finest green colour,
With bunches of white flowers!
Which emanate fragrance 24-hours!

To read about ‘Madhavi Lata’ tree, you may click on the following link:

The picture immediately above this note is of the Hibiscus tree at our house, in full bloom (Mandara tree). You may click on the following link to read about the Mandara flowers and see some beautiful pictures of the Mandara trees at our house:

And you may click on the below link to see AN ANIMATION IMAGE of the above picture and listen to SRI LALITHA SAHASRANAMAM, in which it is recited that Goddess Lalitha is fond of Mandara (Hibiscus) flowers:

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