Saturday, June 29, 2013

GOD! Please direct our every move...

GOD! Please direct our every move,
That we may happily in overall wellbeing live.
- Lalitha Raghu.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

We are simply at the mercy of our destiny.

Sad and frightening stories, pictures and videos from Uttarakhand flood disaster are depressing. Happy moments can turn into sorrow in a fraction of a second.
A person is not safe anywhere these days. We are simply at the mercy of our destiny. All that we can do is pray and not take risks. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

I love to live amidst trees and plants.

Here is something lovely,
That can’t be bought instantly.
A shade tree for your family!
With such a large canopy!
It is ‘Madhavi Lata Creeper’,
Shining in finest green colour,
With bunches of white flowers!
Which emanate fragrance 24-hours!

To read about ‘Madhavi Lata’ tree, you may click on the following link:

The picture immediately above this note is of the Hibiscus tree at our house, in full bloom (Mandara tree). You may click on the following link to read about the Mandara flowers and see some beautiful pictures of the Mandara trees at our house:

And you may click on the below link to see AN ANIMATION IMAGE of the above picture and listen to SRI LALITHA SAHASRANAMAM, in which it is recited that Goddess Lalitha is fond of Mandara (Hibiscus) flowers:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A pleasant rainy evening, calls for special snacking!

A pleasant rainy evening,
Calls for special snacking!
Indian, Continental or Chinese,
Anything would please!
The spicier and hotter,
Are always preferred.
What better than,
The Mirchi Bajji etc...South Indian!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Shame on your authority, that stinks of timidity.

Shame on your authority,
That stinks of timidity.
None of you have guts,
To face the truth and us!

Our obvious deprivation,
Leads to our desperation,
And all means of struggle,
That will go on until your downfall.

We are defeating you,
In every possible way,
Yet shameless you continue,
To survive in a miserable way.

Finally, the voice of the people!
History tells us is the voice of God!
Soon we will be victorious!
And free of you; so notorious.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Vihaan's Homecoming Party! - 6th June 2013.

VIHAAN my three month old grandnephew, my brother Dr. Lakshminarsu’s grandson and son of my nephew Dr. Uday Bhasker and Dr. Hina came home to his house, his grandfather’s house for the first time from Lucknow, where he was born on 19th February. We all, the immediate family spent few days with him at Lucknow and since then have been longing for his homecoming. We are delighted to have him with us; he is a lovely and cheerful baby.
This video is of the Dinner Party for family and friends in celebration of Vihaan’s homecoming.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sisters Are Friends Forever!

This beautiful poster by my wife, an assemblage of greenery and three sisters, with the caption “Sisters are friends forever!” is very true in their case (touchwood), received much appreciation from family and friends and many likes on facebook. At the centre of the picture is my wife Lalitha, and standing by her side, on her right is her elder sister Smt. Vijayalaxmi, and on her left is her younger sister Smt. Sunitha.
Hope you too would like it! 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Homecoming of Vihaan!

VIHAAN my three month old grandnephew, my brother Dr. Lakshminarsu’s grandson and son of my nephew Dr. Uday Bhasker and Dr. Hina came home to his house, his grandfather’s house for the first time yesterday night from Lucknow, where he was born on 19th February. We all, the immediate family spent few days with him at Lucknow and since then have been longing for his homecoming. We are delighted to have him with us; he is a lovely and cheerful baby.

This pictorial blog post is in celebration of his homecoming. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Weekend Greetings!

Weekend Greetings from me,
And from two other comrades,
Whose silhouettes you may see,
And hopefully recognize the ladies!

Another fish conquered; another taste relished!

I was happy to watch the video of the family’s Candlelight Dinner at Port Blair on 15th March 2025, set under the open sky and the glow of a...