Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Eagerly waiting for Rain.

Varying predictions and promise of rains in Hyderabad in the first week of June and then by 10th of June have gone wrong. And even a week after the onset of southwest monsoon in Kerala there are no rains in Hyderabad and there is no relief from the high summer temperatures. Kerala is the entry point for the annual southwest monsoon and June 1st is the normal date of its onset. And within a week after the arrival of rains in Kerala, it normally rains in Hyderabad. This year rains have begun in Kerala on 4th June and nine days have passed since then and yet there in sign of rain in Hyderabad.  I hope we don’t have to wait much longer for the rainy season to set in and I hope there will be plenty of rains here and everywhere.
The rains are badly required after a severe summer; to cool our places, fill up our drinking water sources, washout the dust and dirt that has collected since the last rainy season and specially to keep the gigantic creeper – the facade of our house clean and shiny!

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