Saturday, December 17, 2011

Book Lovers Flock to Hyderabad Book Fair!

I visited the Hyderabad Book Fair today along with my grandniece, Ch. Sudhiksha. I was greatly surprised to see a huge crowd at the book fair because I usually find very few people at the regular bookstores available at Hyderabad. Though being in a large bookstore and browsing and selecting from a huge collection is a great feeling, I too am not visiting the bookstores much these days because of the attractive discounts available over internet ordering, of course from a limited choice.
Sudhiksha was very happy to be amidst so many book stalls and books for children. She picked up a few books as she followed me patiently through some selected stalls where I bought a few for myself. While there is a general discount of 10% on all purchases, there is a higher rate of discount on some books. For instance I bought a book titled “IRIS – Practical Photography Book” priced Rs. 1500 for Rs.199!
This book fair “The 26th Hyderabad Book Fair” was inaugurated at Peoples Plaza Grounds, Necklace Road, on 15th November. It is an eleven day fair and will go on until 25th December 2011, from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM on weekdays and from 12:00 Noon to 9:00 PM during weekends. There are over 250 Stalls from leading publishers and book houses with a very wide variety of books.
I have visited on a Saturday, and due to the heavy holiday rush it was not possible to go through most of the shops. So I am planning to go again, to pick few more precious books! on a week day, early afternoon before the evening – ‘book loving, huge crowds’ descend. I hope everyone in Hyderabad is aware of this book fair.    
“I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.” – Jorge Luis Borges.

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