Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sudhiksha Enthralls her School! During Diwali Celebrations!

For the Diwali Celebrations at School our six year old granddaughter, Ch. Sudhiksha was chosen to give an introduction to the Festival and convey Festival Greetings through an English and Hindi song. And she was also selected to perform a Dance Drama. The videos below are of her performance.
The first video is of her speech and songs. The film we shot at school was not clear so on returning home we asked her to repeat her performance in our small garden. And this time the video was OK but the sound was distorted by the noise of wind and traffic. So I superimposed the video with her voice recorded separately. You will find a slight lag between the video and audio, but I am sure you will still enjoy it. And the second video is of her Dance Drama with her classmates, with hundreds of her lovely schoolmates as audience.

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