Friday, July 29, 2011

Funny Road Signs! Take them seriously and enjoy your journey.

In every journey we see risk and that is the reason we wish the travelers “A safe and happy journey”. In India we pray before going on a journey and also offer prayers to the vehicle so that our journey is safe and happy, free of hurdles and dangers. Every decent individual anywhere in the world would be very unhappy to listen, see or read about accidents. Countries all over the world do their best to minimize accidents in every possible way with stringent rules, regulations, punishments and strong technical and scientific methods. And they are mostly successful in controlling accidents.  India is also doing its best by mostly putting up caution sign boards along the roads, some of them very humorous but with a serious message. Unfortunately there are thousands of careless drivers on our roads, some of them illiterate, who do not understand these signboards! And we have reckless, overconfident drivers, who understand but overlook these signboards and think breaking the rules by speeding, overtaking, talking over phone, drinking and eating or meddling with the music player while driving is not at all risky for them or others as they are supermen! These people are educated fools!  And our Government which mostly survives on income from sale of liquor; permits bars and liquor shops on highways! Something more than signboards; need to be done in India to reduce ever increasing rate of accidents and overcome the dubious distinction of being "World Number 1 in road accidents" (Click Here to read about this).
So while on Indian roads we have to fend for ourselves very cautiously, take all the signboards seriously, keep away from rash drivers and let our family enjoy the ride and reach our destination safely.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Road signs are not only for the drivers but also for the people along the road. We deal in safety signs and was good to read this post which gave wonderful details about the road signs.


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