Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tribute to Professor Dr. Jayashankar (6 August 1934 - 21 June 2011):

Deeply mourn the death of Prof. Jayashankar, a great son of Telangana, one who fought his entire life for the betterment of his people. His soul will rest in peace only when Telangana State is formed. Hope the Governments, Political parties and Politicians who have come to power in the last two General elections by promising separate Telangana State would declare it without any further delay.
And if the politicians keep on betraying us, let us intensify our agitation and achieve Telangana State. Today as his body lies in state, this sincere resolve of us would be our tribute to Prof. Jayashankar, immortal son of Telangana.
May he now guide and bless us from heaven to achieve our goal.
Please CLICK HERE for brief details on the illustrious life of Professor Jayashankar.  

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